Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:59 pm

December 4


1 John 3:16-24

Let us not love in word
or in tongue, but in
deed and in truth.
__ 1 John 3:18

Every so often when I walk into my office in the morning, I find a surprise on my desk. Not long ago the item was a sunflower coffee mug dropped off by a fellow employee. She had seen it in a shop and knew it would cheer up my wife__so she bought it and left it on my desk with an encouraging note.

It was my pleasure to take that gift home to my wife Sue and to give it to her in the name of the woman who wanted to encourage her.

This person could have simply thought about my wife. She could have talked to someone about her in a positive way. But those things don't come close to providing the encouragement that comes from taking action.

In 1 John 3:18; John talked about what we are to do when we see others in need. He told us to have active compassion: "Let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed." When we see a need, it's good to talk about it, but we must also do something about it. We are instructed: "Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only" (James 1:22).

Ask the Holy Spirit to place someone on your heart to help in Jesus' name. Then take action. Make a difference today. Send a card. Give a gift. Offer a ride, Make a call. Love in deed is love indeed. __ Dave Branon

~~~~~~~~~Lord, when I learn that someone is hurting,~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~Help me know what to do and to say;~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Speak to my heart and give me compassion,~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~Let Your great love flow through me today. __ K. De Haan~~~~~

Compassion is love in action.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 John 3:16-24*************

16 By this we know love,
because He laid down His
life for us. And we also
ought to lay down our lives
for the brethren. 17 But
whoever has this world's
goods, and sees his brother
in need, and shuts up his
heart from him, how does
the love of God abide in
him? 18 My little children,
let us not love in word or in
tongue, but in deed and in
truth. 19 And by this we
know that we are of the
truth, and shall assure our
hearts before Him. 20 For if
our heart condemns us, God
is greater than our heart,
and knows all things.

21 Beloved, if our heart
does not condemn us, we
have confidence toward
God. 22 And whatever we
ask we receive from Him,
because we keep His
commandments and do
those things that are
pleasing in His sight.

23 And this is His
commandment: that we
should believe on the name
of His Son Jesus Christ
and love one another, as
He gave us commandment.

24 Now he who keeps His
commandments abides in
Him, and He in him. And
by this we know that He
abides in us, by the spirit
whom He has given us.


When John wrote this letter, he was the last of the original twelve
disciples still living. In his old age, he continued to have great
passion for his fellow believers. In referring to followers of Christ,
he used affectionate words such as "brother" (v.17), 'my little
children" (v.18), and "beloved" (v.21). Each expression carries great
significance. "Brother" reminds us we are all part of one family,
"My littlle children" speaks of John's role in bringing them to faith.
"Beloved" implies not only that they are beloved of John but of God
as well. __ WEC
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