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PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:58 pm
by cimi
November 24


Titus 3:1-7

The kindness and the
love of God our savior
toward man appeared.
__ Titus 3:4

Years ago I received a cylinder in the mail that turned out to be an exquisite, custom-made Jim Schaaf bamboo fly rod and Bill Ballan classic reel--costly fishing gear that I could not have afforded. An enclosed hand-written note said simply, "I wanted to do something for you." To this day I have no idea who sent it.

Poet William Cowper also had an anonymous friend who sent gifts to him but never revealed his name. Cowper's comment on receiving each gift was always the same: "Anonymous has come." I think of that phrase often whenever I fish with that rod: "Anonymous has come." I will always be gratefull to my unnamed friend and his kindness and love for me.

All through our lives God showers us with His goodness-gifts of truth, beauty, friendship, love, and laughter, to name but a few--and we behave as if we don't know the source. God has been our anonymous friend.

But He doesn't wish to remain anonymous. If you want to know more about your secret Friend, read the Gospels, for He is seen most clearly in Jesus. Love has always been in God's heart, but in Jesus it "appeared." God, revealed in Jesus, is your kind and merciful Friend. will you acknowledge and thank Him today? __ David Roper

~~~~~~~~~~~With thankful hearts give praise to Jesus~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~For His blessings without end;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Let's give to Him our full devotion;~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~He's our Savior and our Friend. __ D. De Haan~~~~~~~~~

Our dearest friend is but a shadow compared to Jesus.