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Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:49 pm

October 18


Job 6:1-14

To him who is afflicted,
kindness should be
shown by his friend.
__ Job 6:14

Roy Clark and his father sat in the family car in the funeral home parking lot for sveral minutes. As a teenager, he wasn't sure how to respond when his dad put his head in his hands and moaned, "I don't know what to say!"

A friend from their church had been in a car accident. She had survived, but her three daughters had all died when a truck hit their vehicle. What could they say to their friend at a time like this?

In the Bbile we are told that during Job's time of grieving, his three friends came to mourn with him and to comfort him. For the first 7 days they sat and wept with him because he was in deep sorrow (Job 2:11-13). "No one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great" (v.13). Their presence alone was a comfort to him.

But then they began to lecture. They told Job he must have sinned and that God was punishing him (4:7-9).

When Job was finally able to respond, he told his friends what he needed from them. He asked for reasons to continue hoping (6:11), for kindness (v.14), and for words that did not presume guilt (vv.29-30).

Remembering the story of Job and his friends may help us when we don't know what to say. __ Anne Cetas

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lord, give me sensitivity~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~To people in their grief and pain,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~To weep with them and show Your love~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~In ways mere words cannot attain, __ Sper~~~~~~~~~~~

When someone's grieving__listen, don't lecture.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Job 6:1-14*****************

1 Then Job answered and said:

2 "Oh, that my grief were
fully weighed, and my
calamity laid with it on the
scales! 3 For then it would
be heavier than the sand
of the sea--therefore my
words have been rash.
4 For the arrows of the Almighty
are within me; my spirit
drinks in their poison; the
terrors of God are arrayed
against me. 5 Does the
wild donkey bray when it
has grass, or does the ox
low over its fodder? 6 Can
flavorless food be eaten
without salt? Or is there any
taste in the white of an egg?

7 My soul refuses to touch
them; they are as loathsome
food to me.

8 "Oh, that I might have
my request, that God would
grant me the thing that I
long for! 9 That it would
please God to crush me,
that He would loose His
hand and cut me off!

10 Then I would still have
comfort; though in anguish
I would exult, He will
not spare; for I have not
concealed the words of the
Holy One.

11 "What strength do I
have, that I should hope?
And what is my end, that I
should prolong my life?

12 Is my strength the
strength of stones? Or is
my flesh bronze? 13 Is my
help not within me? And is
success driven from me?

14 "To him who is
afflicted, kindness should
be shown by his friend,
even though he forsakes the
fear of the Almighty."


One word used of the Holy Spirit is "Helper" (John 16:7). The term
means "one who is called alongside to help." In early Greek culture
it was used of someone listening empathetically to a mourner at a
funeral. Later, the meaning broadend to include exhorting someone.
Helping others includes a balance of empathy and exhortation. __HDF
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