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PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:14 pm
by cimi
The Smiling Jesus
*Rapture* *KeepOnWalkin*

Bible in a Year:1 Chronicles 10–12;John 6:45–71

Today's Scripture & Insight:Hebrews 1:8–12
If you were to play the part of Jesus in a movie, how would you approach the role? That was the challenge faced by Bruce Marchiano, who played Jesus in the 1993 Visual Bible movie Matthew. Knowing that millions of viewers would draw conclusions about Jesus based on his work, the weight of getting Christ “right” felt overwhelming. He fell to his knees in prayer and begged Jesus for—well, for Jesus.

Bruce gained insight from the first chapter of Hebrews, where the writer tells us how God the Father set the Son apart by anointing Him “with the oil of joy” (1:9). This kind of joy is one of celebration—a gladness of connection to the Father expressed wholeheartedly. Such joy ruled in Jesus’ heart throughout His life. As Hebrews 12:2 describes it, “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Taking his cue from this scriptural expression, Bruce offered a uniquely joy-filled portrayal of his Savior. As a result, he became known as “the smiling Jesus.” We too can dare to fall to our knees and “beg Jesus for Jesus.” May He so fill us with His character that people around us see the expression of His love in us!

By: Elisa Morgan
*Cross* *harp*
**Reflect & Pray
What are your perceptions of Jesus and how might they need to
change? How can you represent Him as you show His heart to the world?

~~Dear Jesus, we beg You for You. May Your heart be what others
see in us today. May we radiate Your joy in all we say and do.