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Postby cimi » Wed Dec 11, 2019 8:25 pm


*Rapture* *KeepOnWalkin*
Canceled Debts

Bible in a Year:Hosea 5–8; Revelation 2

Today's Scripture & Insight: Deuteronomy 15:1–8
The Lord’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed.
Deuteronomy 15:2
In 2009, Los Angeles County stopped charging families for the costs of their children’s incarceration. Though no new fees were charged, those with unpaid fees from before the change in policy were still required to settle their debt. Then in 2018 the county canceled all outstanding financial obligations.

For some families, canceling the debt aided greatly in their struggle to survive; no longer having liens on their property or wages being garnished meant they were better able to put food on the table. It was for this kind of hardship that God called for debts to be forgiven every seven years (Deuteronomy 15:2). He didn’t want people to be crippled forever by them.

Because the Israelites were forbidden to charge interest on a loan to fellow Israelites (Exodus 22:25), their motives for lending to a neighbor weren’t to make a profit, but rather to help those who were enduring hard times, perhaps due to a bad harvest. Debts were to be freely forgiven every seven years. As a result, there would be less poverty among the people (Deuteronomy 15:4).

Today, believers in Jesus aren’t bound by these laws. But God might occasionally prompt us to forgive a debt so those who’ve been struggling can begin afresh as contributing members of society. When we show such mercy and generosity to others, we lift up God’s character and give people hope.

__By: Kirsten Holmberg

~~Reflect & Pray
How have your “debts” been forgiven? Who can
you lift up by forgiving a debt owed or a wrong
done to you?

Jesus, thank You for caring about the financial
burdens we carry.
Help us make an even bigger impact in 2020.
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