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Postby cimi » Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:29 pm

February 22


1 Corinthians 2:9-16
We have the mind
of Christ.
__1 Corinthians 2:16

Over the years I've been part of various book groups. Typically, several friends read a book and then we get together to discuss the ideas the author has put forward. Inevitably, one person will raise a question that none of us can answer. And then someone will say, "If only we could ask the author." a popular new trend in New Your City is making that possible. Some authors, for a hefty fee, are making themselves available to meet with book clubs.

How different it is for those of us who gather to study the Bible. Jesus meets with us whenever we get together. No fees. No scheduling conflicts. No travel expenses. Furthermore, we have the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding. One of the last promises Jesus made to His disciples was that God would send the Holy spirit to teach them (John 14:26).

The Author of the Bible is not limited by time or space. He can meet with us at any time and any place. So whenever we have a question, we can ask with the assurance that He will answer__though perhaps not according to our timetable.

God want us to have the mind of the Author (1 Cor. 2:16) so that through the teaching of the Spirit we will comprehend the greatness of the gift He has freely given us (v.12).
__Julie Ackerman Link

````````````````Lord, thank You that You are meeting with me````````````````````
````````````````right now. I want to be taught by You. I don't```````````````````
```````````````want just to have more knowledge about you; I```````````````````
`````````````````want to know You in the depths of my heart.```````````````````
When you open your Bible, ask the Author to open
your mind and heart.

**************************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Corinthians 2:9-16***************************
9 But as it is written:
"Eye has not seen, nor ear
heard, nor have entered into
the heart of man the things
which God has prepared for
those who love Him."

10 But God has revealed
them to us through His
Spirit. For the Spirit
searches all things, yes, the
deep things of God. 11 For
what man knows the things
of a man except the spirit of
the man which is in him?
Even so no one knows the
things of God except the
Spirit of God. 12 Now we
have received, not the spirit
of the world, but the Spirit
who is from God, that we
might know the things that
have been freely given to us
by God. 13 These things we
also speak, not in words
which man's wisdom
teaches but which the Holy
spirit teaches, comparing
spiritual things with
spiritual. 14 But the natural
man does not receive the
things of the Spirit of God,
for they are foolishness to
him; nor can he know them,
because they are spiritually
discerned. 15 But he who is
spiritual judges all things,
yet he himself is rightly
judged by no one.

16 For "who has known the
mind of the Lord that he
may instruct Him?" But we
have the mind of Christ.

One role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the follower of Christ is
that of a guide to help discern spiritual truth. In John 16:13, Jesus
said, "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you
into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only
what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come" (NIV).
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