Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Dec 27, 2014 10:44 pm

December 27


Matthew 2:13-21
Take the young Child
and His mother, flee to
Egypt. __Matthew 2:13

One year when our family was traveling through Ohio on the way to Grandma's house, we arrived in Columbus just as a tornado warning was issued. Suddenly everything changed as we feared that our children might be in danger.

I mention that story to help us imagine what it was like for Joseph's family as he, Mary, and their young child traveled to Egypt. Herod, not a tornado, threatened them as he sought to kill their little boy. Imagine how frightening it was for them as he sought to kill their little boy. Imagine how frightening it was for them, knowing that "Herod [sought] the young Child to destroy Him" (Matt. 2:13).

We usually take a more idyllic view of Christmastime__lowing cattle and kneeling shepherds in a peaceful scene. but there was no peace for Jesus' family as they sought to escape Herod's horror. Only when an angel told them it was safe did the family go out of Egypt and back home to Nazareth (vv.20-23).

Consider the awe we should feel for the incarnation. Jesus, who enjoyed the majesty of heaven in partnership with the Father, set it all aside to be born in poverty, to face many dangers, and to be crucified for us. Coming out of Egypt is one thing, but leaving heaven for us__that's the grand and amazing part of this story! __Dave Branon

```````````````````Jesus our Savior left heaven above,````````````````````
````````````````Coming to earth as a servant with love;```````````````````
```````````````````Laying aside all His glory He came,```````````````````
````````````Bringing salvation through faith in His name. __Hess````````````
Jesus came to earth for us
so we could go to heaven with Him.

**************************Today's Bible Reading -- Matthew 2:13-21**************************

13 Now...an angel of the
Lord appeared to Joseph in a
dream, aying, "Arise, take
the young Child and His
mother, flee to Egypt, and
stay there until I bring you
word; for Herod will seek the
young child to destroy Him."

14 When he arose, he took
the young Child and His
mother by night and departed
for Egypt, 15 and was there
until the death of Herod, that
it might be fulfilled which
was spoken by the Lord
through the prophet, saying,
"Out of Egypt I called my

16 Then Herod, when he
saw that he was decieved
by the wise men, was
exceedingly angry; and he
sent forth and put to death
all the male children who
were in Bethlehem and
in all its districts, from
two years old and under,
according to the time which
he had determined from
the wise men. 17 Then was
fulfilled what was spoken by
Jeremiah the prophet, saying:

15 "A voice was heard in
Ramah, lamentation,
weeping, and great
mourning, Rachel weeping
for her children, refusing to
be conforted, because they
are no more."

19 Now when Herod was
dead, behold, an angel of the
Lord appeared in a dream to
Joseph in Egypt, 20 saying,
"Arise, take the young Child
and his mother, and go to the
land of Israel, for those who
sought the young Child's life
are dead."

21 Then he arose, took the
young Child and His mother,
and came into the land of

Today's passage is both a harrowing and a comforting account of
early events in Jesus' life. Verse 15 reminds us that the threat to His
life and His family's hasty escape to Egypt were within God's plan.
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