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Postby cimi » Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:44 pm

June 1


Philippians 3:12-17
Two of Australia's indigenous creatures, kangaroos and emus, have something in common__they seldom move backward. Kangaroos, because of the shape of their body and the length of their strong tail, can bounce along with forward movement, but they cannot shift easily into reverse. Emus can run fast on their strong legs but the joints in their knees seem to make backward movement difficult. Both animals appear on Australia's coat of arms as a symbol that the nation is to be ever moving forward and making progress.

The apostle Paul called for a similar approach to the life of faith in his letter to the Philippians: "Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" call of God in Christ Jesus" (3:13-14).

While it is wise to learn from the past, we shouldn't live in the past. We cannot redo or undo the past, but by God's grace we can press forward and serve God faithfully today and in the future. The life of faith is a journey forward as we become like Christ. __Bill crowder

````````````````````````````I'm pressing on the upward way,`````````````````````````
```````````````````````````New heights I'm gaining every day;````````````````````````
```````````````````````````Still praying as I'm onward bound,`````````````````````````
`````````````````````"Lord, plant my feet on higher ground." __Oatman````````````````
I will go anywhere__provided it is forward.

***************************Today's Bible Reading __ Philippians 3:12-17**************************

12 Not that I have already
attained, or am already
perfected; but I press on,
that I may lay hold of that
for which Christ Jesus has
also laid hold of me.

13 Brethren, I do not
count myself to have
apprehended; but one thing
I do, forgetting those
things which are behind
and reaching forward to
those things which are
ahead, 14 I press toward the
goal for the prize of the
upward call of God in
Christ Jesus.

15 Therefore let us, as
many as are mature, have
this mind; and if in
anything you think
otherwise, God will reveal
even this to you.

16 Nevertheless, to the
degree that we have
already attained, let us
walk by the same rule, let
us be of the same mind.

17 Brethren, join in
following my example, and
note those who so walk, as
you have us for a pattern.


Paul the apostle had an interesting writing style. One aspect of this
is seen in Ephesians I, where verses 3-10 form one long sentence.
Another element of Paul's novel approach is found in Philippians
3:13-14. Here Paul declares, "one thing I do"; then he goes on to
list not one but three things! His one thing? Forgetting the things
behind, reaching to the things ahead, and pressing toward the goal
of the upward call of Christ. Though marked by Paul's unique style
the wisdom of his words regarding spiritual priorities still rings true.
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