Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun May 25, 2014 9:30 pm

May 25


Mark 6:30-36

Come aside by
yourselves to a
deserted place and rest
a while. __Mark 6:31

Not long ago I developed a physical problem. My left shoulder and arm were aching, I had a painful rash on my forearm and thumb, and I struggled daily with fatigue. When I finally went to the doctor, I learned that I had a case of shingles. The doctor put me on antiviral medication and said it would take several weeks for the disease to run its course.
Because of this illness, I had to force myself into a new routine. A short nap in the morning and one in the afternoon were necessary to give me the strength to be productive. Until I recovered, I had to learn to pace myself.

At one point when Jesus sent His representatives out to teach in His name, they were so excited with all they were doing that they neglected to take time to eat and rest properly. When they returned, Christ told them: "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while" (Mark 6:31).

Everyone needs rest, and if we go too long without it, we will suffer physically and emotionally. We also will be unable to carry out our responsibilities as well as we should. Is the Lord encouraging you to "come aside...and rest a while"? Sometimes a few more rest stops with Him may be necessary. __Dennis Fisher

```````````````````I come aside from the world of strife,````````````````````
```````````````With its burdens, trials and the cares of life```````````````````
```````````````````To a beautiful, quiet, restful place```````````````````````
```````````Where I commune with my Jesus face to face. __Brandt````````````
To avoid a breakdown,
take a break for rest and prayer.

**************************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 6:30-36****************************

30 Then the apostles
gathered to Jesus and told
Him all things, both what
they had done and what
they had taught. 31 And He
said to them, "Come aside
by yourselves to a deserted
place and rest a while." For
there were many coming
and going, and they did not
even have time to eat.

32 So they departed to a
deserted place in the boat
by themselves. 33 But the
multitudes saw them
departing, and many knew
Him and ran there on foot
from all the cities. They
arrived before them and
came together to Him.

34 And Jesus, when He
came out, saw a great
multitude and was moved
with compassion for them,
because they were like
sheep not having a
shepherd. So He began to
teach them many things.

35 When the day was now
far spent, His disciples
came to Him and said,
"This is a deserted place,
and already the hour is late.

36 Send them away, that
they may go into the
surrounding country and
villages and buy themselves
bread; for they have nothing
to eat."


When Jesus asked His disciples to go to a deserted place and rest
(Mark 6:31), He was telling them to do something that He had
often done with them. Jesus had withdrawn with His disciples to
the sea (2:13; 3:7) or up on the mountain (3:13). Jesus was also in
the habit of withdrawing from the crowds to a solitary place to rest
and to spend time talking with His Father (Matt. 14:13,23; 26:36;
Mark 1:35; 6:46; Luke 4:42; 6:12; John 6:15). "So He Himself often
withdrew into the wilderness and prayed" (Luke 5:16
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