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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2014 9:30 pm
by cimi
May 3


Psalm 107:1-16

Let the redeemed of
the LORD say so, whom
He has redeemed from
the hand of the enemy.
__Psalm 107:2

Following the death of computer pioneer Steve Jobs in 2011, more than one million people from around the world posted tributes to him online. The common theme was how Jobs had changed their lives. They said they lived differently because of his creative innovations, and they wanted to express their appreciation and their sorrow. The screen of one tablet computer said in large letters: iSad.

Gratitude fuels expression, which is exactly what Psalm 107 describes: "Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy" (v.2). The theme of this psalm is people in great trouble who were delivered by the Lord. Some were homeless and in need (vv.4-5); some had rebelled against God's Word (vv.10-11); others were at their wits' end when they cried out to to God (vv.26-27). All were rescued by God. "Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!" (vv.8,15,21,31).

When we consider the greatness of God's love, His grace in sending Jesus Christ to die for us and rise again, and what He has delivered us from we cannot keep from praising Him and wanting to tell others how He changed our lives!
__David McCasland

`````````````````O God, my heart is filled with praise for all that You``````````````````
```````````````````have done for me. You have changed the focus````````````````````
``````````````````and purpose of my life because You sent Your son.```````````````````
```````````````````````````````````Thank You.``````````````````````````````````
Our gratitude to God for salvation

******************************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 107:1-16************************
1 Oh, give thanks to the
LORD, for He is good! For
His mercy endures forever.

2 Let the redeemed of the
LORD say so, whom He has
redeemed from the hand of
the enemy. 3 and gathered
out of the lands, from the
east and from the west,
from the north and from the

4 They wandered in the
wilderness in a desolate
way; they found no city to
dwell in. 5 Humgry and
thirsty, their soul fainted in
them. 6 Then they cried out
to the LORD in their trouble,
and He delivered them out
of their distresses. 7 And He
led them forth by the right
way, that they might go to the
city for a dwelling place.

8 Oh, that men would give
thanks to the LORD for His
goodness, and for His
wonderful works to the
children of men! 9 For He
satisfies the longing soul,
and fills the hungry soul
with goodness.

10 Those who sat in
darkness and in the shadow
of death, bound in affliction
and irons_ 11 because they
rebelled against the words
of God, and despised the
counsel of the Most High,

12 therefore He brought
down their heart with labor;
they fell down, and there
was none to help. 13 Then
they cried out tot he LORD
in their trouble, and He
saved them out of their
distresses. 14 He brought
them out of darkness and
the shadow of death, and
broke their chains in pieces.

15 Oh, that men would give
thanks to the LORD for His
goodness, and for His
wonderful works to the
children of men! 16 For He
has broken the gates of
bronze, and cut the bars of
iron in two.