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Postby cimi » Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:50 pm

March 31


Romans 5:12-21

Through one Man's
righteous act the free
gift came to all men.
__Romans 5"18

Here in the United States, we've been on a bottled water binge for a number of years. Even though most people have a safe supply of water that is free and readily available from faucets and drinking fountains, they still purchase bottled water. Choosing to pay for something that I can enjoy at not cost doesn't make sense to me, but some people believe that a product they pay for is superior to anything they receive free.

This sometimes carries over into our spiritual lives. Some struggle to accept that salvation is a gift. They want to do somethinng to earn it. The problem is, no one can afford it. The price of salvation is perfection (Matt. 19:21), and Jesus is the only person who could pay the price (Rom. 5"18). To anyone who thirsts, He promises to "give of the fountain of the water of life freely" (Rev,21:6).

Some people try to purchase the living water of salvation with good deeds and charitable donations. Although these are forms of spiritual service valued by God, they are not what God requires for the forgiveness of our sin. Jesus already paid the price by dying in our place, and his offer to quench our spiritual thirst when we drink freely from God's fountain that will never run dry. __Julie Ackerman Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesus is the Living water__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just one drink will make you whole;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Drawing daily from that wellspring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brings refreshment to the soul. __D. DeHaan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jesus is the only fountain
who can satisfy the thirsty soul.

****************************************Today's Bible Reading __ Romans 5:12-21***********************************

12 Therefore, just as
through one man sin entered
the world, and death through
sin, and thus death spread
to all men, because all
sinned__ 13 (For until the
law sin was in the world,
but sin is not imputed when
there is no law.

14 Nevertheless death reigned
from Adam to Moses, even
over those who had not
sinned according to the
likeness of the transgression
of Adam, who is a type of
Him who was to come.

15 But the free gift is not
like the offense. For if by
the one man's offense many
died, much more the grace
of God and the gift by
the grace of the one Man,
Jesus Christ, abounded to

18 Therefore, as through
one man's
offense judgment
came to all men, resulting
in condemnation, even
so through one Man's
righteous act the free gift
came to all men, resulting
in justification of life.

19 For as by one man's
disobedience many were
made sinners, so also by
one Man's obedience many
will be made righteous

20 Moreover the law
entered that the offense
might abound. But where
sin abounded, grace
abounded much more, 21 so
that as sin reigned in death,
even so grace might reign
through righteousness to
eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord.


Earlier in Romans, Paul had proven that all people are sinners (1-18-
3:18) and shown how they can be justified through faith in Jesus
(3"19-4:25). In today's text, Paul explains how the disobedience of
Adam as our representative reulted in death for all (vv.12,19), while
Christ's act of obedience brought the gift of life (vv.18,21).
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