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Postby cimi » Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:50 pm

November 8


Mark 12:38-44

It is more blessed to
give than to receive.
__Acts 20:35

It made no sense for a widow to donate her last few coins to a corrupt institution in Jerusalem, where scribes who were dependent on those gifts "devour[ed] widows' houses" (Mark 12:40). But in that woman's act, Jesus saw a moving display of the proper attitude toward money (vv.41-44).

Gordon Cosby, while serving as pastor of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC, tells of a widow whose income was barely adequate to feed and clothe her six children. Yet every week she faithfully placed $4 in the offering plate. A deacon suggested that Cosby go to her and assure her that she could use the money instead for her family's benefit.

Cosby followed the deacon's advice__to his regret. "You are trying to take away the last thing that gives me dignity and meaning," she said. She had learned a key to giving: It can benefit the giver more than the receiver. Yes, those in poverty need financial help. But the need to give may be as important as the need to receive.

The act of giving reminds us that we live by the grace of God_like the birds and the flowers. Those creations don't worry about their future; neither should we. Giving offers us a way to express our confidence that God will care for us just as He cares for the sparrow and lily (Matt. 6:24-34). __Philip Yancey

`````````````````Whatever, Lord, we lend to Thee,```````````````````
``````````````````Repaid a thousand-fold will be;`````````````````````
`````````````````Then gladly will we give to Thee,`````````````````````
````````````Who givest all__who givest all. __Wordsworth```````````````
We disarm the power of money by giving it away.

******************************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 12:38-44*************************

38 Then He said to them in
His teaching, "Beware of
the scribes, who desire to
go around in long robes,
love greetings in the
marketplaces, 39 the best
seats in the synagogues,
and the best places at feasts,

40 who devour widows'
houses, and for a pretense
make long prayers. These
will receive greater

41 Now Jesus sat opposite
the treasurey and saw how
the people put money into
the treasury. And many
who were rich put in much.

42 Then one poor widow
came and threw in two
mites, which make a
quadrans. 43 So He called
His disciples to Himself
and said to them,
"Assuredly, I say to you
that this poor widow has
put in more than all those
who have given to the
treasury; 44 for they all put
in out of their abundance,
but she out of her poverty
put in all that she had, her
whole livelihood."


Giving to the Lord is a vital part of Christian commitment. The first
recorded offerings to the Lord were made by Adam and Eve's sons,
Cain and Abel. Both gave a portion of what they had produced as
an offering to God. Abraham was the first to introduce the concept
of the tithe__giving 10 percent of one's possessions to the Lord__
when he was returning to his camp with the spoils of war and met
Melcizedek, the king of Salem (Gen. 14:17-20). In today's passage,
Christ commends the widow for giving "all that she had" (Mark
12:44). This woman exemplified what Jesus taught about seeking
first the kingdom of God (Matt. 6:25-33).
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