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Postby cimi » Thu Nov 07, 2013 10:43 pm

November 7


2 Samuel 5:17-25

King David was up against a familiar foe. Years before as a young shepherd boy, he had faced down Goliath, the top Philistine warrior, by killing him with a well-placed stone (1 Sam. 17). Now David was king of Israel, and here come the Philistines again! They heard he was king, and they decided to attack (2 Sam. 5:17).

What do we do first when trouble is on the way? We could panic. We could plan. Or we could first do what David did__pray. "David inquired of the LORD" (v.19), and God guided the king.

David had to fight two battles with the Philistines__one at Baal Perazim and one at the Valley of Rephaim. It was a good thing he consulted God, because in these two battles there were two different strategies. In the first one, God won the battle with His power alone: "The LORD has broken through." David recorded (v.20). For the next one, God gave David an action plan, and when he carried it out, the Israelites won (vv.23-25).

Each day we face many challenges. Although there is no one-size-fits-all-answer, our first action should always be to consult God. As He guides us we can have confidence in Him. Then, whether the victory comes through His miraculous intervention or through His guidance, all the glory goes to God. __Dave bRanon

``````````````Not to the strong is the battle,````````````````
``````````````Not to the swift is the race;``````````````````
`````````````Yet to the true and the faithful````````````````
`````````Victory is promised through grace. __Crosby`````````

To stand up to any challenge,
spend time on your knees.

**************************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 samuel 5:17-25****************************

17 Now when the Philistines
heard that they had anointed
David King over Israel, all
the Philistines went up to
search for David. And David
heard of it and went down to
the stronghold. 18 The
Philistines also went and
deployed themselves in the
Valley of Rephaim. 19 So
David inquired of the LORD,
saying, "Shall I go up against
the Philistines? Will You
deliver them into my hand?"

And the LORD said to
David, "Go up, for I will
doubtless deliver the
Philistines into your hand."

20 So David went to Baal
Perazim, and David defeated
them there; and he said, "The
LORD has broken through my
enemies before me, like a
breakthrough of water."

Therefore he called the name
of that place Baal Perazim.

21 And they left their images
there, and David and his men
carried them away.

22 Then the Philistines went
up once again and deployed
themselves in the Valley of
Rehaim. 23 Therefore David
inquired of the LORD, and He
said, "You shall not go up;
circle around behind them,
and come upon them in front
of the mulberry trees. 24 And
it shall be, when you hear the
sound of marching in the
tops of the mulberry trees,
then you shall advance
quickly. For then the LORD
will go out before you to
strike the camp of the
Philistines." 25 And David did
so, as the LORD commanded
him; and he drove back the
Philistines from Geba as far
as Gezer


The Philistines were part of the "sea peoples," and some believe
they traveled to the Middle East around 1175 BC from southern
Europe, bringing with them advanced weapons technology. They were
centered in the five city-states of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and
Gath. The word Palestine is derived from "Philistine."
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