Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:16 pm

October 29


Job 42:1-6

I have uttered what I
did not understand,
things too wonderful
for me, which I did not
know. __Job 42:3

As our plane began its descent, the flight attendant read the long list of arrival information as if she were reading it for the thousandth time that day__no emotion or interest as she droned on about our impending arrival. Then, with the same tired, disinterested voice, she finished by saying, "Have a wonderful day." The dryness of her tone contrasted with her words. She said "wonderful" but in a manner completely absent of any sense of wonder.

Sometimes I fear that we approach our relationship with God in the same way: Routine. Bored. Apathetic. Dis-interested. Through Christ, we have the privilege of being adopted into the family of the living God, yet often there seems to be little of the sense of wonder that should accompany that remarkable reality.

Job questioned God about his suffering, but when challenged by Him, Job was humbled by the wonder of his Creator and His creation. Job replied, "You asked 'Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?' Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know." (Job 42:3).

I long for the wonder of God to take hold of my heart. adopted by God__what a wonderful reality! __Bill Crowder

````````````How marvelous! How wonderful!```````````````````
``````````````And my song shall ever be:```````````````````````
```````````How marvelous! How wonderful!````````````````````
``````````Is my Savior's love for me! __Gabriel``````````````````

Nothing can fill our hearts more than the
wonder of our God and His love.

********************************Today's Bible Reading __ Job 42:1-6******************************
1 Then Job answered the
LORD and said:

2 "I know that You can do
everything, and that no
purpose of Yours can be
withheld from You. 3 You
asked, 'Who is this who
hides counsel without
knowledge?' Therefore I
have uttered what I did not
understand, things too
wonderful for me, which I
did not know. 4 Listen,
please, and let me speak;
You said, 'I will question
you, and you shall answer

5 "I have heard of You
by the hearing of the ear,
but now my eye sees You.

6 Therefore I abhor myself,
and repent in dust and


Job's friends contended that his suffering was caused by sin. They
believed that if he confessed his sins, God would bless him again.
Yet Job relentlessly defended his innocence (Job 3-7). In 38-41,
God confronted him, asking if he knew how the world and its
creatures were created, controlled, and cared for. Initially, Job
responded with silence (40:3-5). But he saw who God is (42:5), and
was convicted of his ignorance, insufficiency, and impetuousness. He
acknowledged God's power, surrendered himself to God's sovereign
will (vv.1-2), admitted that he spoke of things beyond his knowledge
(vv.3-4), and repented of his self-sufficiency and self-righteousness
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