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Postby cimi » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:18 pm

January 30


Numbers 22:10-34

The LORD opened
Balaam's eyes, and he
saw the Angel of the
LORD standing in the
way. __Numbers 22:31

Under it. Over it. Around it. Through it. Nothing will stop me from doing it." I often hear people express this kind of attitude when they get an idea or see an opportunity that seems good or profitable. They devote all of their resources to getting it done.

As evidence that this way of thinking may be flawed, I call as my witness a donkey__a donkey belonging to a man named Balaam.

Balaam was offered a profitable assignment from a neighboring king, and he inquired of God for permission to accept it (Num. 22). When God said no, the king's representatives made a better offer. Thinking God might change His mind, Balaam asked again. God granted permission for Balaam to go with them but with strict conditions. God knew Balaam's heart and was not pleased with him, so He placed His Angel in the way. Balaam couldn't see the Angel but his donkey could. When the donkey refused to continue, Balaam became angry with the animal for blocking his progress.

Balaam's story teaches us that not every obstacle is meant to be overcome. Some are placed by God to keep us from doing something foolish. When our plans are hindered, we shouldn't assume that it's Satan trying to stop us. It might be God trying to protect us. __Julie Ackerman Link

~~~~~~~~~~~Let Your wisdom guide me ever,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~For I dare not trust my own;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~Lead me, Lord, in tender mercy,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~Leave me not to walk alone. __Reed~~~~~~~~~~~~

God is always protecting us__
even when we don't realize we need it.

***********Today's Bible Reading __ Numbers 22:10-34***************

10 So Balaam said to God,
"Balak the son of Zippor,
king of Moab, has sent to
me, saying, 11 'Look, a
people has come out of
Egypt, and they cover the
face of the earth. Come now,
curse them for me; perhaps I
shall be able to overpower
them and drive them out.' "

12 And God said to Balaam,
"You shall not go with them;
you shall not curse the
people, for they are
blessed." ...

20 And God came to
Balaam at night and said to
him, "If the men come to
call you, rise and go with
them; but only the word
which I speak to you__that
you shall do."

21 So Balaam rose in the
morning...and went with
the princes of Moab. 22 Then
God's anger was aroused
because he went, and the
Angel of the LORD took His
stand in the way as an
adversary against him. And
he was riding on his donkey,
and his two servants were
with him. 23 Now the donkey
saw the Angel of the LORD
standing in the way with His
drawn sword in His hand,
and the donkey turned aside
out of the way and went into
the field...

26 Then the Angel of the
LORD went further, and stood
in a narrow place where
there was no way to turn
either to the right hand or to
the left. 27 And when the
donkey saw the Angel of the
LORD, she lay down under
Balaam; so Balaam's anger
was aroused, and he struck
the donkey with his staff....

31 Then the LORD opened
Balaam's eyes, and he saw
the Angel of the LORD
standing in the way with his
drawn sword in His hand;
and he bowed his head and
fell flat on his face....

34 And Balaam said to the
Angel of the LORD, "I have
sinned, for I did not know
You stood in the way against
me. Now therefore, if it
displeases You, I will turn
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