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He already knew

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 2:02 pm
by logi bear
Psalm 139:13-16. For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.

Jeremiah. 1:5. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."

When i was little, i saw some candy bars sitting on the counter in the kitchen, and i was about to eat one when my dad turned to me and said, "no candy before dinner!" I replied "WHY!" And he said with very little patience in his voice, "because they you won't feel like eating your dinner." Well i didn't see much sense in that, after all i was big eater, and candy never spoiled my appetite, in fact it usually just made me even more hungry. So i waited till he wasn't looking, then i grabbed the candy bars and went into the living room, and started munching away. I was pretty pleased with myself until my dad walked in and found me munching. He figured i was NOT eating a carrot stick, even though he did not see any candy wrappers because i had hidden them. So he came over with a smug look on his face and asked, "Are you eating candy, even though i told you not to?" I said "NOPE!" (with a mouth full of chocolate.) He didn't believe me, so he came closer and asked me to open my mouth.... and i was so busted. No candy for a week! And i most certainly was not laughing then, but i can look back and laugh now. *Rolling*

Now you're probably thinking, if that's worst sin you've ever committed, you got nothing to complain about. Well, its not my worst sin, not even close!!!! But you didn't really think i was gonna come out here on the internet and describe in detail, my very worst sins did you???
I didn't think so.... I'm a sinner, I lie, I cheat, I steal, I lust- committing adultery in my heart, I hate- committing murder in my heart, I rebel, I'm disrespectful, I envy, sometimes i put idols in my life (like music, friendship, or beauty, or sports) and i worship them instead of God, the list of sins goes on forever... and on top of them more often than not I'm foolish, I do stupid things, I do disgusting things - that if other people knew about they would probably never want to see me again.
(Which is kinda why Im not gonna tell you!) :roll:

The point is that God knew me when i was still in my mother's womb, He knew all of the sins and horrible things i was going to do before they happened, and yet God loved me so much that He sent Jesus to die for me.
Don't let Satan tell you that you've out sinned forgiveness, that you're finished, that you're nothing. Because you're NOT!!! God knew every single sin you were going to commit before you were even formed, and yet He still loved you anyway. And God is NOT finished with you. He is going to keep molding you like a potter molds clay, and while you may never be perfect until the day you get to heaven, someday you are going to be an incredible work of art, just wait and see. *BigGrin*

Re: He already knew

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:35 pm
by Christnundrconstruxn
wow flashbacks :roll:
You see mine was cherry covered cordals that my mom had in the bottom drawer of the NOT get in them, they are for Christmas.....I couldn't stand it so one day I snuck and got 1-2 out and thought no one will punishment was to eat the ENTIRE rest of the box with nothing to drink.......have you ever atemore than 1-2 of these man they are rich.
But you didn't really think i was gonna come out here on the internet and describe in detail, my very worst sins did you???
I didn't think so.... I'm a sinner, I lie, I cheat, I steal, I lust- committing adultery in my heart, I hate- committing murder in my heart, I rebel, I'm disrespectful, I envy, sometimes i put idols in my life and on top of them more often than not I'm foolish, I do stupid things, I do disgusting things - that if other people knew about they would probably never want to see me again.

I'm sure not one that would judge for I have done each and every one of those as well and probably more, but even if I hadn't I have learned from here DO NOT JUDGE less ye be judged
Logi I cannot speak for others but I will promise you any time you wish to speak I will NOT judge you ever

He knew all of the sins and horrible things i was going to do before they happened, and yet God loved me so much that He sent Jesus to die for me.
Don't let Satan tell you that you've out sinned forgiveness, that you're finished, that you're nothing. Because you're NOT!!! God knew every single sin you were going to commit before you were even formed, and yet He still loved you anyway. And God is NOT finished with you. He is going to keep molding you like a potter molds clay, and while you may never be perfect until the day you get to heaven, someday you are going to be an incredible work of art, just wait and see.

wow!! I never thought of it this way, and yet so often I feel these feelings (satan "creepin" in)
thanks for another wonderful post
I did not see that this was a devotional from church so I take it YOU ate the candy rofl
God bless *hug*

Re: He already knew

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:42 am
by logi bear
Thank you so much Cuc, your words mean alot to me. : )