~ Give and Let Live ~

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~ Give and Let Live ~

Postby Lani » Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:49 pm

Read: Luke 6:27-36 http://www.christianityoasis.com/bible/ ... ld_lookup=

Jesus said, "Give to everyone who begs from you." Luke 6:30 (NRSV)

A co-worker and I were discussing how to respond to those who ask for a handout. I've had similar conversations with various people, and I have come to this peaceful decision: to give to anyone who asks of me. I am or may not have exactly what they are looking or-whether it be a homeless person asking for change or someone who claims to have a broken down car at a gas station. But I take comfort in knowing that I am following Jesus" command, "Give to everyone who begs from you." I have decided to give without questioning whether there is a real need or not.

I believe Jesus calls us to respond with compassion. What recipients do with our donations is between them and God. I hope they may be inspired to pass the kindness on. Or, because someone answered their cry for help, maybe they will know they are not invisible. In any case, I pray my gift makes their day a little brighter. My thank-you is usually a smile and a "God Bless You".

I find great satisfaction knowing that I have answered Christ's call, even though I know I have been taken advantage of more than once. I am fortunate to have more than I need to and to have the means to share with those who ask.

Prayer: Please make us more aware, dear Lord, of daily reminders of your call to give - even when the calls come from never-dreamed-of-people and places. Amen

Prayer Focus of Day: Those who will ask for my help this week.

Thought for the Day: True gifts come with NO strings attached.

Story shared by: N. Lamar (TN)
Source: Upper Room Daily Devotional 6/22/11
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Re: ~ Give and Let Live ~

Postby jayney » Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:18 pm

God always provides me with the things to read when I need them. I have felt that someone has been taking advantage a bit of my kindness but felt that I didn't want to stop what I have been donig for them. Having read this I now know I am doing what God would want of me and will continue even if it is not appreciated as fully as maybe it should be.
Thank you so much for posting this.
God is good.
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