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Postby cimi » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:57 pm

October 9


Psalm 86

Teach me Your way,
O LORD; I will walk in
Your truth.
__Psalm 86:11

If we're not careful, we may become like the man who prided himself on being an expert archer. The secret to his success was that after he shot his arrow at the side of a barn, he painted a bull's-eye around the arrow.

It's easy to live our lives doing what we want and thinking that our ways and instincts are right on target when in reality our "bull's-eye" shots at life are not on target at all. Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.

Sometimes it may feel right to seek revenge, hoard money, chase pleasure, or yell at people who yell at us. But God's ways are different from ours. He has painted a bull's-eye on forgiving those who have hurt us, on giving generously to those in need, on living to please Him rather than ourselves, and on turning the other cheek. We need to pray, "Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth" (Ps. 86:11). And then we need to aim to follow His ways in all that we do and say.

But we all need help to aim at the right target. Thankfully, the bull's-eye is already painted in the brushstrokes of God's truth as revealed in His Word. When we aim our lives at God's Word, we'll discover that His ways are right on target--every time! __Joe Stowell

`````````````````````God's given us His holy Word````````````````
``````````````````````To help and guide our way;````````````````
``````````````````````And if we read and follow it,````````````````
`````````````````````We will not go astray. __Sper```````````````

God's ways are our targets for living.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 86****************

1 Bow down Your ear, O
LORD, hear me; for I am
poor and needy. 2 Preserve
my life, for I am holy; You
are my God; save Your
servant who trusts in You!

3 Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I cry to You all day long.

4 Rejoice the soul of Your
servant, for to You, O Lord,
I lift up my soul. 5 For You,
Lord, are good, and ready to
forgive, and abundant in
mercy to all those who call
upon You.

6 Give ear, O LORD, to my
prayer, and attend to the
voice of my supplications.

7 In the day of my trouble I
will call upon You, for You
will answer me.

8 Among the gods there is
none like You, O Lord; nor
are there any works like Your
works. 9 All nations whom
You have made shall come
and worship before You, O
Lord, and shall glorify Your
name. 10 For You are great,
and do wondrous things; You
alone are God....

14 O God, the proud have
risen against me, and a mob
of violent men have sought
my life, and have not set You
before them. 15 But You, O
Lord, are a God full of
compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering and abundant
in mercy and truth.

16 Oh, turn to me, and have
mercy on me! Give Your
strength to Your servant, and
save the son of Your
maidservant. 17 Show me a
sign for good, that those who
hate me may see it and be
ashamed, because You,
LORD, have helped me and
comforted me.


Charles Spurgeon wrote of Psalm 86, "This psalm consists of praise
as well as prayer, but it is in all parts so directly addressed to God
that it is most fitly called 'a prayer.' A prayer...all the more...
because veins of praise run through it." __BILL CROWDER
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