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Postby cimi » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:57 pm

July 2


acts 11:19-26

The disciples were first
called Christians in
Antioch. __Acts 11:26

Hans Greiger, Marie Curie, Rudolf Diesel, Samuel Morse, and Louis Braille share something in common. They all invented or discovered something significant that bears their name. Their names, along with many others, appear in the "Encyclopedia Britannica's Greatest Inventions," a list of "325 innovations that have had profound effects on human life."

We who follow Christ bear His name. In Luke's record of the early church, he said: "The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch" (Acts 11:26). Later, Peter urged the early believers not to be ashamed of suffering "as Christian" (1 Peter 4:16). The term Christian, once directed at Jesus' followers in scorn, was embraced by them as a badge of honor, a mark of allegiance to Him.

E. M. Blaiklock, former chair of Classics at the University of Auckland, wrote that in the first century the term Christian had "a certain appropriateness, for it implied loyalty and acceptance of a person, and that person, the Messiah (Christ).... The Christian is one who accepts, with all its implications, the lordship of Jesus Christ."

As followers of Christ today, we gladly bear His name as our Savior, Lord, and Friend. __David McCasland

````````````````````Just what do Christians look like?``````````````
``````````````````````What sets their lives apart?`````````````````
``````````````````````They're ordinary people```````````````````
`````````````Who love God from the heart. __D. De Haan```````````

Don't be a Christian in name only.

**************Today's Bible Study __ Acts 11:19-26***************

19 Now those who were
scattered after the
persecution that arose over
Stephen traveled as far as
Phoenicia, Cyprus, and
Anitoch, preaching the word
to no one but the Jews only.

20 But some of them were
men from Cyprus and
Cyrene, who, when they had
come to Antioch, spoke to
the Hellenists, preaching the
Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand
of the Lord was with them,
and a great number believed
and turned to the Lord.

22 Then news of these
things came to the ears of
the church in Jerusalem, and
they sent out Barnabas to go
as far as Antioch. 23 When
he came and had seen the
grace of God, he was glad,
and encouraged them all
that with purpose of heart
they should continue with
the Lord. 24 For he was a
good man, full of the Holy
Spirit and of faith. And a
great many people were
added to the Lord.

25 Then Barnabas departed
for Tarsus to seek Saul.

26 And when he had found
him, he brought him to
Antioch. So it was that for a
whole year they assembled
with the church and taught a
great many people. And the
disciples were first called
Christians in Antioch.


As the fledgling church at Antioch grew, the leaders of the church at
Jerusalem knew who to send to minister to the believers there. They
sent Barnabas (Acts 4:36), which means "Son of Encouragement." It
was a fitting name for this man who encouraged others everywhere
he went, and Antioch was no exception. In verse 23, we are told
that when Barnabas arrived and saw God's work in Antioch "he was
glad, and encouraged them all." __BILL CROWDER
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