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Postby cimi » Sat May 29, 2010 5:30 pm

MAY 24


Luke 18:15-17

Let the little children
come to Me, and do
not forbid them; for of
such is the kingdom of
God. __Mark 10:14

The Scripture reading from Luke 18 about children seemed unusual at the memorial service for David Holquist.. After all, he was 77 when he died.

Yet the pastor said the verses fit David, a long-time college professor, perfectly. Part of his legacy was that he took time for children--his own and others'. He made balloon animals an puppets, and helped in a puppet ministry at church. When planning worship services with others, he frequently asked, "What about the children?" He was concerned about what would help the children--not just the adults--to worship God.

Luke 18 shows us the concern Jesus had for children. When people brought little ones to Him, the disciples wanted to protect Jesus, a busy man, from the bothersome children. But it seems that Jesus was not at all bothered by them. Just the opposite The Bible says that Jesus was "greatly displeased" at the disciples, and said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them" (v.16). Mark adds that Jesus took them in His arms and blessed them (10:14-16).

Let's examine our own attitude about children and then follow the example of David Holquist. Find some ways to help them come to Jesus.
__Anne Cetas

``````````````````To those who are teaching the gospel,```````````
``````````````````Withe love in their hearts for its truth,````````````
`````````````````Comes the gentle reminder from heaven,``````````
````````````````"Forget not the children and youth." __Anon.````````

God has great concern for little children.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 18:15-17************

15 Then they also brought
infants to Him that He
might touch them; but
when the disciples saw it,
they rebuked them. 16 But
Jesus called them to Him
and said, "Let the little
children come to Me, and
do not forbid them; for
of such is the kingdom of
God. 17 Assuredly, I say
to you, whoever does not
receive the kingdom of
God as a little child will
by no means enter it."


The kingdom of God is for the childlike (.16). Jesus compared
humility to childlikeness. Anyone coming to Him must come in
childlike dependency, expectancy, receptivity, and humility (Matt.

As a term of endearment, Christians are addressed as children
(John 12:33; Gal. 4:19), used particularly by the elderly apostle John
(1 John 2:1,12 18,28). Used negatively and figuratively, children
denote weak or immature Christians (1 Cor. 3:1; Eph. 4:13-14;
Heb. 5:13). Christians are to be childlike, not childish (1 Cor. 13:11;
14-20). __SIM KAY TEE
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