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PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 5:54 pm
by cimi


Job 1:13-22

When He has tested
me, I shall come forth
as gold. __Job 23:10

When I used to teach at a Bible college in a large city, I sometimes graded papers at a food court while waiting for a commuter train. One day, I accidentally bumped my large cup of coffee. Its entire contents emptied into my open briefcase.

In most cities, there is a quiet reserve on the part of commuters. However, the coffee splash was so dramatic that it could not be ignored. A man sitting nearby said aloud, "Worst possible scenario!"

That comment was obviously an overstatement. But each of us dreads the thought of something in particular: financial loss, the death of a child or spouse, cancer, or another loss or hardship.

The book of Job is a case study in worst possible scenarios. Yet Job wisely assessed God's role in trying circumstances of loss and poor health: "He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10). From this wise statement we can learn two valuable lessons: One is that what we dread most can be used to test our character and make us stronger. The other is that God will provide the strength and comfort to see us through.

Cling to God. He has promised to work on our behalf, even in the worst possible scenario. __Dennis Fisher


``````````````God often sends me joy through pain,````````````````
````````````````Through bitter loss, divinest gain;`````````````````
``````````````Yet through it all--dark days or bright--```````````````
`````````````I know my Father leads aright. __Conklin`````````````

The living God can take the fear out of living.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Job 1:13-22**************

13 Now there was a day
when his sons and daughters
were eating and drinking
wine in their oldest brother's
house; 14 and a messenger
came to Job and said, "The
oxen were plowing and the
donkeys feeding beside them,

15 when the Sabeans raided
them and took them away--
indeed they have killed the
servants with the edge of the

16 While he was still
speaking, another also came
and said, "The fire of God
fell from heaven and burned
up the sheep and the servants,
and consumed them...!"

17 While he was still
speaking,another also came
and said, "The Chaldeans
formed three bands, raided
the camels and took them
away, yes, and killed the

18 While he was still
speaking, another also came
and said, "Your sons and
daughters were eating and
drinking wine in their oldest
brother's house, 19 and
suddenly a great wind came
from across the wilderness
and struck the four corners of
the house, and it fell on the
young people, and they are

20 Then Job arose, tore his
robe, and shaved his head;
and he fell to the ground and
worshiped. 21 And he said:
"Naked I came from my
mother's womb, and naked
shall I return there. The LORD
gave, and the LORD has taken
away; blessed be the name of
the LORD."

22 In all this Job did not sin
nor charge God with wrong.


Scholars disagree about when Job lived, but some believe it was at the
same time as the patriarch Abraham (2100-1900 BC). This would make
Job one of the oldest stories and books of the Bible, chronologically side
by side with Genesis. The author is unkown, but Job, Elihu, and Solomon
have been suggested. Jewish tradition says it's Moses. __SIM KAY TEE