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Postby cimi » Tue Dec 22, 2009 4:21 pm

December 15


Psalm 119:89-96

Forever, O LORD, Your
Word is settled in
__Psalm 119:89

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 has been called the greatest archaeological find of the 20th century. The ancient manuscripts hidden in the caves near Qumran are the oldest known copies of key Old Testament books. In 2007, the San Diego Natural History Museum hosted an exhibition featuring 24 of these scrolls. One often-repeated theme in the exhibit was that during the past 2,000 years the text of the Hebrew Bible (the Christian Old Testament) has remained virtually unchanged.

Followers of Christ who believe that the Bible is the eternal, unchanging Word of God find more than coincidence in this remarkable preservation. The psalmist wrote: "Forever, O LORD, Your Word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations" (119:89-90). Jesus said: "My words will by no means pass away"( Matt. 24:35).

The Bible is more than a historical relic. It is the living, powerful Word of God (Heb. 4:12), in which we encounter the Lord and discover how to live for Him and honor Him. "I will never forget Your precepts," the psalmist concluded, "for by them You have given me life" (119:93).

What a privilege we have each day to seek God in His remarkable Word! __David McCasland

```````````````````I have a companion, a wonderful guide,`````````
```````````````````A solace and comfort whatever betide;``````````
``````````````````A friend never-failing when others pass by,```````
``````````````Oh, blessed communion, my Bible and I. __Knobloch```

To know Christ, the Living Word,
is to love the Bible, the written Word.

***********Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:89-90*************

89 Forever, O LORD, Your
word is settled in heaven.

90 Your faithfulness endures
to alL generations; You
established the earth, and it
abides. 91 They continue this
day according to Your
ordinances, for all are Your
servants. 92 Unless Your law
had been my delight, I
would then have perished in
my affliction. 93 I will never
forget Your precepts, for by
them You have given me
life. 94 I am Yours, save me;
for I have sought Your
precepts. 95 The wicked wait
for me to destroy me, but I
will consider Your
testimonies. 96 I have seen
the consummation of all
perfection, but Your
commandment is
exceedingly broad.


Psalm 119 is special in several ways. It is the longest Psalm (176
verses), and it is an acrostic psalm, following the letters of the
Hebrew alphabet. The Jews wrote in this fashion to help them
memorize the Scriptures so they could meditate on God's Word.
Each section has eight verses; eight special names for God's Word;
eight symbols of the Word; and eight responsibilities of the believer
to the word. The word eight in Hebrew literally means "abundance,
more than enough"; it is the number of new beginnings. It is as
though the writer is saying, "If you have the Scriptures, that is all
you need for life and godliness." __DENNIS FISHER
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