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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:23 pm
by cimi
October 31


2 Timothy 2:19-26

He will be a vessel
for honor, sanctified
and useful for the
Master, prepared for
every good work.
__2 Timothy 2:21

The word hallow isn't used much anymore, and when it is, the uses have a broad range of meaning. Christians use the word when we say the Lord's prayer, as in "Hallowed be Thy name." Often the word is associated with the last day of October, which we in the US refer to as Halloween, a shortened form of All Hallow's Eve.

In Scripture, the word hallow is a synonym for the word sanctify. When we hallow or sanctify something, we set it apart as being holy.
The name of God is not the only thing that we are to hallow. We too are to be hallowed. Paul urged Timothy to be a vessel sanctified and useful for God by pursuing "righteousness, faith, love, [and] peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart" and by avoiding "foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife" (2 Tim. 2:21-23).

On this last day of October, children in the US will be carrying bags filled with sweets. Thinking of them can remind us to ask: "What is filing the vessel of my life? Is it a bitter attitude that leads to foolish disputes and strife, or is it a sweet spirit that leads to righteousness, faith, love, and peace?"

We can hallow today, and every day, by setting ourselves apart for God to be used by Him. __Julie Ackerman Link

````````````````````Lord, may our lives be set apart``````````````
````````````````````````And useful in Your hands,````````````````
`````````````````````Pursuing righteousness and faith`````````````
``````````````````````As we fulfill Your plans. __Sper`````````````

A Christians' greatest joy is to be used by God

**************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Timothy 2:19-26*********

19 Nevertheless the solid
foundation of God stands,
having this seal: "The Lord
knows those who are His,"
and, "Let everyone who
names the name of Christ
depart from iniquity."

20 But in a great house
there are not only vessels of
gold and silver, but also of
wood and clay, some for
honor and some for
dishonor. 21 Therefore if
anyone cleanses himself
from the latter, he will be a
vessel for honor, sanctified
and useful for the Master,
prepared for every good
work. 22 Flee also youthful
lusts; but pursue
righteousness, faith, love,
peace with those who call
on the Lord out of a pure
heart. 23 But avoid foolish
and ignorant disputes,
knowing that they generate
strife. 24 And a servant of
the Lord must not quarrel
but be gentle to all, able to
teach, patient, 25 in humility
correcting those who are in
opposition, if God perhaps
will grant them repentance,
so that they may know the
truth, 26 and that they may
come to their senses and
escape the snare of the
devil, having been taken
captive by him to do his


In verse 19, Paul refers to the rebellion by Korah, who maintained
that all Jews were holy because they were God's covenant
community (Num. 16:1-5). Responding, Moses said that God knows
those who are holy and truly His (Num. 16:5), for they are the ones
who will turn from evil (2 Tim. 2:26). Paul is emphasizing God's
sovereignty and man's responsibility. __SIM KAY TEE