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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:03 pm
by cimi
October 19


Matthew 16:24-28

Whoever loses his life
for My sake will find it.
__Matthew 16:25

After working for 40 years as a teacher, Jane Hanson retired. She and her husband were looking forward to the arrival of their first grand-child.

Retirement is that time of life when many people simply relax, travel, or enjoy hobbies. But Jane heard about a ministry to at-risk youth in a city near her home, and she knew she had to get involved. "I realized there are kids just waiting, and I could make a difference," she said. She began teaching English to a young Liberian man who had been forced to flee his home country because of civil war. Though he was in a safe environment, he didn't understand the new language. Of this ministry opportunity, Jane said with a smile, "I could just go shopping to stay busy, but what fun would that be?"

Jane is making a difference. Perhaps she has learned a little of what Jesus meant when he said, "Whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matt. 16:25). Giving ourselves to the Lord through helping others takes self-denial, yet one day Jesus will reward that effort (v.27).

Let's follow Jane's example of love for God and others--no matter what our stage of life may be. __Anne Cetas

`````````````````````Oh, let us be faithful to Jesus,```````````````
```````````````````The faith we confessed let's renew,`````````````
````````````````And ask Him this question each morning:```````````
````````````"Lord, what will You have me to do?" __Panghorn````````

Work for the Lord--His retirement plan
is out of this world.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 16:24-28**********

24 Then Jesus said to His
disciples, "If anyone desires
to come after Me, let him
deny himself, and take up
his cross, and follow Me.

25 For whoever desires to
save his life will lose it, but
whoever loses his life for
My sake will find it. 26 For
what profit is it to a man if
he gains the whole world,
and loses his own soul? Or
what will a man give in
exchange for his soul?

27 For the Son of Man will
come in the glory of His
Father with His angels, and
then He will reward each
according to his works.

28 "Assuredly, I say to you,
there are some standing
here who shall not taste
death till they see the Son
of Man coming in His


What does "take up his cross" mean? (Matt. 16:24). "In the Roman
Empire a convicted criminal, when taken to be crucified, was forced
to carry his own cross. This showed publicly that he was then under
and submissive to the rule he had been opposing. Likewise Jesus'
disciples must demonstrate their submission to the One against
whom they had rebelled. The path Jesus and His followers would
travel would be a road of sorrow and suffering. But in so losing
one's life, one would truly find a better life" (Bible Knowledge
commentary). __DENNIS FISHER

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:42 pm
by Lani
"Lord, what will You have me to do?"

*Pray* Use me Papa, your will be done! *Pray*

Work for the Lord--His retirement plan is out of this world.

*Amen2* *Amen2* *Amen2*

Awesome Post Cimi!!! Thanks for all you do!!

Peace and Luv in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani
