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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:18 pm
by cimi

When we accept the gift of God's forgiveness for our sin,
He places us "in Christ." Now we have the responsibility
for godly behavior that comes with that position. Ephe-
sians 4-6 tells us how to live up to our reputation:

Live up to your position (4:1-3). Walk worthy of your
identification with Christ by being humble, gentle,
patient, loving, and united.

Use your spiritual gifts (4:7-16). The abilities Christ
has given you must be put into practice within the

Put off the old life (4:17-19). Reject the futility of the
devil's way of life.

Put on the new life (4:20-24). Decide to live in accor-
dance with your position in Christ.

Love others (5:2). We are to love people sacrificially,
as Christ loved the church.

Walk in the light (5:8-9). We do this by manifesting
the fruit of the Spirit.

Let the Holy Spirit fill you (5:18-21). Let Him take full
control of your life.

Put on the armor of God (6:10-17). This will protect
you from Satan's attacks.

Pray continually (6:18-20). Let all of your thoughts,
deeds, and circumstances become a cause for commu-
nication with God.

When you follow these directives and grow in holi-
ness, you will live up to your reputation in Christ.


Adapted from What Does God Think Of Me Now?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:23 pm
by Lani

Truly awesome Sis! *Cheer3*

What an interesting question to ponder....

"What does God think of Me now?" *Pray*


*BlessYou* Lani
