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PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:04 pm
by cimi
September 2


Genesis 40:1-14,23

[God] Himself has said,
"I will never leave
you nor forsake you."
__Hebrews 13:5

Have you ever noticed that other people's forgetfulness can try your patience? As a college professor, I find my patience stretched when a student forgets to do an assignment that's clearly spelled out in the syllabus.

In the old Testament story of Joseph, we see a far worse example of forgetfulness__and we can only imagine how he struggled to be patient as a result.

While in prison, Joseph interpreted a dream of the kings' butler, which led to the man's release. Joseph told him, "Remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house" (Gen. 40:14). It would seem that after Joseph had helped the butler gain freedom, remembering him would have been high on his "to do" list. But it was 2 years before the butler spoke to Pharaoh about Joseph (41:9). Finally, Joseph was freed.

Imagine the impatience Joseph felt as he waited each day in that dungeon (40:15))__perhaps thinking his only chance at freedom had passed. Yet Joseph had a resource; He had God's presence (39:21), as do we ((Heb. 13:5). When you're feeling impatient, lean on the God who is always with you. He'll turn your impatience into patient trust. __Dsve Branon

````````````````Tune your anxious heart to patience,``````````````
``````````````````Walk by faith where sight is dim'````````````````
``````````````````Loving God, be calm and trustful````````````````
```````````````And leave everything to Him. __Chambers``````````

Patience means awaiting God's time
without doubting God's love.

************Today's Bible REading __ Genesis 40:1-14,23**********

1 It came to pass after these
things that the butler and the
baker of the king of Egypt
offended their lord, the king
of Egypt. 2 and Pharaoh was
angry with his two officers,
the chief butler and the chief
baker. 3 So he put them in
...prison, the place where
Joseph was confined. 5 Then
the butler and the baker of
the king of Egypt, who were
confined in the prison, had a
dream.... 6 And Joseph
came in to them in the
morning and looked at them
and saw that they were sad.

7 So he asked Pharaoh's
officers who were with him
in the custody of his lord's
house, saying, "Why do you
look so sad today?

8 And they said to him, "We
each have had a dream, and
there is no interpreter of it."

So Joseph said to them,
"Do not interpretations
belong to God? Tell them to
me, please."

9 Then the chief butler told
his dream to Joseph, and
said to him, "Behold, in my
dream a vine was before me,

10 and in the vine were three
branches; it was as though it
budded, its blossoms shot
forth, and its clusters
brought forth ripe grapes.

11 Then Pharaoh's cup was
in my hand; and I took the
grapes and pressed them
into Pharaoh's cup, and
placed the cup in Pharaoh's

12 And Joseph said to him,
"This is the interpretation of
it: The three branches are
three days. 13 Now within
three days Pharaoh will lift
up your head and restore
you to your place, and you
will put Pharaoh's cup in his
hand according to the
former manner, when you
were his butler. 14 But
remember me when it is
well with you, and please
show kindness to me; make
mention of me to Pharaoh,
and get me out of this

23 Yet the chief butler did
not remember Joseph, but
forgot him.