Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:56 pm

April 26


Mark 7:5-15

This people honors Me
with their lips, but their
heart is far from Me.
__Mark 7:6

Smile," said Jay as we drove to church. "You look so unhappy." I wasn't; I was just thinking, and I can't do two things at once. But to make him happy, I smiled. "Not like that," he said. "I mean a real smile."

His comment got me thinking even more intently. Is it reasonable to expect a real smile from someone who's being issued a command? A real smile comes from inside; it's an expression of the heart, not of the face.

We settle for phony smiles in photographs. We're happy when everyone cooperates at the photographer's studio and we get at least one picture with everyone smiling. After all, we're creating an icon of happiness, so it doesn't have to be genuine.

But phoniness before God is unacceptable. Whether we're happy or sad or mad, honesty is essential. God doesn't want false expressions of worship any more than He wants false statements about people or circumstances (Mark 7:6).

Changing our facial expression is easier than changing our attitude, but true worship requires that all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength agree that God is worthy of praise. Even when our circumstances are sad, we can be grateful for God's mercy and compassion, which are worth more than the "lip service" of a phony smile. __Julie Ackerman Link

``````````````````What a God we have to worship!````````````````
``````````````````What a Son we have to praise!`````````````````
``````````````````What a future lies before us__``````````````````
```````````````Everlasting, love-filled days! __Maynard````````````

A song in the heart puts a smile on the face.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 7:5-15************

5 Then the Pharisees and
scribes asked Him, "Why do
Your disciples not walk
according to the tradition of
the elders, but eat bread with
unwashed hands?"

6 He answered and said to
them, "Well did Isaiah
prophesy of you hypocrites,
as it is written: 'This people
honors Me with their lips, but
their heart is far from Me.

7 And in vain they worship
Me, teaching as doctrines the
commandments of men.'

8 For laying aside the
commandment of God, you
hold the tradition of men--
the washing of pitchers and
cups, and many other such
things you do."

9 He said to them, "All too
well you reject the
commandment of God, that
you may keep your tradition.

10 For Moses said, 'Honor
your father and your mother';
and, 'He who curses father or
mother, let him be put to
death.' 11 But you say, 'If a
man says to his father or
mother, "Whatever profit you
might have received from me
is Corban"--' (that is, a gift
to God), 12 then you no
longer let him do anything
for his father or his mother,

13 making the word of God of
no effect through your
tradition which you have
handed down. And many
such things you do."

14 When He had called all
the multitude to Himself, He
said to them, "Hear Me,
everyone, and understand:

15 There is nothing that enters
a man from outside which
can defile him; but the things
which come out of him,
those are the things that
defile a man."


The issue here is which is the greater authority--the written Word
of God or the oral traditions of men? The tradition of the elders (v.5)
comprises 613 meticulous rules, which are applications of the Mosaic
law as interpreted by the rabbis to regulate daily life. __Sim Kay Tee
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