Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:31 pm

March 31


Mark 14:32-42

[Jesus] began to be
troubled and deeply
distressed. Then he said
to them, "My soul is
exceedingly sorrowful,
even to death."
__Mark 14:33-34

One dreadful year, three of my friends died in quick succession. My experience of the first two deaths did nothing to prepare me for the third. I could do little but cry.

I find it strangely comforting that when Jesus faced pain, He responded much as I do. It comforts me that He cried when His friend Lazarus died (John 11:32-36). That gives a startling clue into how God must have felt about my friends, whom He also loved.

And in the garden the night before His crucifixion, jesus did not pray, "Oh, Lord, I am so grateful that You have chosen Me to suffer on Your behalf." No, He experienced sorrow, fear, abandonment, even desperation. Hebrews tells us that Jesus appealed with "vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death" (5:7). But He was not saved from death.

Is it too much to say that Jesus Himself asked the question that haunts us: Does God care? What else can be the meaning of His quotation from that dark psalm: "My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?" (Ps. 22:1; Mark 15:34).

Jesus endured in His pain because He knew that His Father is a God of love who can be trusted regardless of how things appear to be. He demonstrated faith that the ultimate answer to the question Does God care? is a resounding yes! __Philip Yancey

````````````````````The aching void, the loneliness,```````````````
``````````````````````And all the thornclad way,`````````````````
``````````````````To Thee I turn with faith undimmed``````````````
``````````````And 'mid thee darkness pray. __O. J Smith```````````

When we know that God's hand is in everything,
we can leave everything in God's hand.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Mark 14:32-42************

32 Then they came to a
place which was named
Gethsemane; and He said to
His disciples, "Sit here
while I pray." 33 And He
took Peter, James, and John
with Him, and He began to
be troubled and deeply
distressed. 34 Then He said
to them, "My soul is
exceedingly sorrowful, even
to death. Stay here and

35 He went a little farther,
and fell on the ground, and
prayed that if it were
possible, the hour might
pass from Him. 36 And He
said, "Abba, Father, all
things are possible for You.
Take this cup away from
Me; nevertheless, not what
I will, but what You will."

37 Then He came and
found them sleeping, and
said to Peter, "Simon, are
you sleeping? Could you
not watch one hour?

38 Watch and pray, lest you
enter into temptation. The
spirit indeed is willing, but
the flesh is weak."

39 Again He went away
and prayed, and spoke the
same words. 40 And when
He retuned, he found them
asleep again, for their eyes
were heavy; and they did
not know what to answer

41 Then He came the third
time and said to them, "Are
you still sleeping and
resting? It is enough! The
hour has come; behold, the
Son of Man is being
betrayed into the hands of
sinners. 42 Rise, let us be
going. See, My betrayer is
at hand."


"Watch and pray," Jesus aid to Peter (v.38). Peter did not. He failed
and denied Christ. Years later, speaking from his won failure, Peter
warns us: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil
walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour"
)1 Peter 5:8). __Sim Kay Tee
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