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Postby cimi » Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:47 pm

March 8


2 Timothy 4:1-8

The time will come
when they will not
endure sound doctrine.
__2 Timothy 4:3

A USA Today article describes how parents today seek to initiate their children into a world of all faiths. Ema Drouillard, who runs a ceremony service, was asked by a couple to conduct a service for their baby, Greer. The mother said, "We just wanted a larger spirit to guide our daughter, but we didn't want to get specific. I wanted all her bases covered." The couple said, "We just do Christianity L-I-T-E" for Greer, who "believes in angels and fairies, leprechauns and Santa Claus." This illustrates the low value placed on scriptural truth that is so prevalent in our culture today.

The apostle paul warned Timothy that a time would come when people would prefer "lite" spiritual meals and would not tolerate substantive teaching (2 Tim. 4:3-4). He predicted that false teaching would increase and be embraced by many because it caters to the needs of their flesh. They have a craving to be entertained and desire teaching that instructed Timothy to combat this by teaching doctrines to correct, rebuke, and encourage others (v.2).

As believers we are called to teach and obey the Word of God, not to scratch the itches of our culture. __Marvin Williams

`````````````````Lord, teach us from Your holy Word``````````````
`````````````````````````All error to discern,````````````````````
```````````````````And by Your Spirit's light help us```````````````
`````````````````From Satan's snares to turn. __Bosch````````````

Stand on the Word of God
and you won't fall into error.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Timothy 4:1-8************

1 I charge you therefore
before God and the Lord
Jesus Christ, who will judge
the living and the dead at
His appearing and His
kingdom: 2 Preach the
Word! Be ready in season
and out of season.

Convince, rebuke, exhort,
with all longsuffering and
teaching. 3 for the time will
come when they will not
endure sound doctrine, but
according to their own
desires, because they have
itching ears, they will heap
up for themselves teachers;

4 and they will turn their
ears away from the truth,
and be turned aside to
fables. 5 But you be
watchful in all things,
endure afflictions, do the
work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry.

6 For I am already being
poured out as a drink
offering, and the time of my
departure is at hand. 7 I
have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith.

8 Finally, there is laid up for
me the crown of
righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous Judge,
will give to me on that Day,
and not to me only but also
to all who have loved His


Paul's years of serving the Savior had not merely provided him
with fond memories or a finely tuned theology. It also enabled him
to differentiate between the temporal and the eternal. His labors
caused him to look ahead to his reward-- not to the shifting tides of
this transient world. All of this equipped him for life and prepared
him for death-- a death he was anticipating as he penned these final
words to Timothy. __Bill Crowder
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