Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:38 pm

February 21


Luke 6:27-36

And who is my
__Luke 10:29

An english yachtsman sailing the Caribbean, 4,000 miles from home, lost his mast in a storm. He had been adrift for 2 days, and was taking water in 20-foot waves, when his desperate SOS was picked up. 90 minutes later he was rescued by the captain of a 116,000-ton superliner.

Only when he was pulled out of the water did the rescued sailor discover that the captain who had responded to his call for help was a neighbor from his Hampshire village of Warsash. The rescued man later asked, "what are the chances of being rescued in the middle of nowhere by your neighbor?"

Jesus saw neighbors in unlikely places. When an expert in Jewish law asked Him to define the neighbor we are to love, Jesus drew a big circle. He told the story of a merciful Samaritan to show that a neighbor is the friend, stranger, or enemy who needs the help we can give (Luke 10).

To distinguish ourselves as Jesus' people, we need to show kindness even to those who wish us harm (Luke 6:32-34). Only then will we reflect the heart of the one who, while we were still His enemies, paid the ultimate price to come to our rescue. __Mart De Haan

````````````````````How many lives shall I touch today?```````````
``````````````````How many neighbors will pass my way?``````````
```````````````````I can bless so many and help so much``````````
`````````````If I meet each one with a Christlike touch. __Jones`````

Our love for Christ is only as real
as our love for our neighbor.

************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 6:27-36****************

27 But I say to you who
hear: Love your enemies,
do good to those who hate
you, 28 bless those who
curse you, and pray for
those who spitefully use
you. 29 To him who strikes
you on the one cheek, offer
the other also. And from
him who takes away your
cloak, do not withhold your
tunic either. 30 Give to
everyone who asks of you.
And from him who takes
away your goods do not ask
them back. 31 And jsut as
you want men to do to you,
you also do to them

32 But if you love those
who love you, what credit
is that to you? For even
sinners love those who love
them. 33 And if you do good
to those who do good to
you, what credit is that to
you? For even sinners do
the same. 34 And if you lend
to those from whom you
hope to receive back, what
credit is that to you? For
even sinners lend to sinners
to receive as much back.

35 But love your enemies,
do good, and lend, hoping
for nothing in return; and
your reward will be great,
and you will be sons of the
Most High. For He is kind
to the unthankful and evil.

36 Therefore be merciful,
just as your Father also is


In Luke 6:31, Jesus articulated what is popularly known as the
Golden Rule. Five hundred years earlier, Confucius taught: "What
you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." And Rabbi
Hillel, a Jewish religious leader of the first century, said: "What
is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor." But Jesus put the
Golden Rule positively: "Just as you want men to do to you, you also
do to them likewise." _Sim Kay Tee
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