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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:40 pm
by cimi
January 23


ISAIAH 6:1-10

In the year that king
Uzziah died, I saw the
Lord siting on a throne,
high and lifted up, and
the train of His robe
filled the temple.
__Isaiah 6:1

After you placed your food order at a popular fast food restaurant, the cashiers used to ask that famous question: "Would you like to supersize that?" In essence, they were asking the customers if they wanted more of what they were already getting.

In a similar way, when we come into God's presence, I believe He asks us: "Would you like to enlarge your understanding of me today?"

Isaiah had one such experience with God. Through a painful event in his life, Isaiah saw the Lord "high and lifted up" (Isa. 6:1). Through this encounter, God suersized Isaiah's understanding of his holiness. He saw God's complete moral excellence that unifies His attributes.

God also enlarged Isaiah's realization of his own sin (v.5). This led to an expansion of his understanding of God's complete forgiveness and cleansing (vv.6-7). Only when Isaiah understood the depth of his sin could he appreciate and accept forgiveness and cleansing from God. Finally, his encounter with God led to Isaiah's declaration of availability and commitment to reach out to others and to help them increase their understanding of God (v.8-9).

Let's ask God to surpersize our understanding of His greatness today. __Marvin Williams

````````````````Oh, I want to know You, blessed Lord,`````````````
````````````````Better than I've ever known before!```````````````
````````````In Your Word I read of Your great purpose--````````````
```````````Help me understand it more and more. __Hess```````````

Knowing about God is fascination.
knowing God personally is life-changing.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Isaiah 6:1-10***************

1 In the year that King
Uzziah died, I saw the Lord
sitting on a throne, high and
lifted up, and the train of His
robe filled the temple.

2 Above it stood seraphim;
each one had six wings: with
two he covered his face, with
two he covered his feet, and
with two he flew. 3 And one
cried to another and said:
"Holy, holy, holy is the
LORD of hosts; the whole
earth is full of His glory!"

4 And the posts of the door
were shaken by the voice of
him who cried out, and the
house was filled with smoke.

5 So I said: "Woe is me, for
I am undone! Because I am
a man of unclean lips, and I
dwell in the midst of a
people of unclean lips; for
my eyes have seen the King,
the LORd of hosts."

6 Then one of the seraphim
flew to me, having in his
hand a live coal which he
had taken with the tongs
from the altar. 7 And he
touched my mouth with it,
and said: "Behold, this has
touched your lips; your
iniquity is taken away, and
your sin purged."

8 Also I heard the voice of
the Lord, saying: "Whom
shall I send, and who will go
for Us?" then I said, "Here
am I! Send me."

9 And He said, "Go, and tell
this people: 'Keep on
hearing, but do not
understand; keep on seeing,
but do not perceive.'

10 Make the heart of this
people dull, and their ears
heavy, and shut their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ear, and
understand with their heart,
and return and be healed."


Seraphim are distinct angelic beings, different from the cherubim
(Gen. 3:24). Mentioned only in Isaiah 6:2,6, seraphim means "fiery
ones" or "fiery serpents," suggesting their zeal for the Lord. Some
scholars suggest that they are "the living creatures" of Revelation 4:6-9.
__Sim Kay Tee