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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:54 pm
by cimi
December 13


Genesis 1:1,20-27

God said, "Let Us make
man in Our image,
according to Our
__Genesis 1:26

The word whodunit is actually in the "dictionary. It means "detective story." The most important whodunit of all time is the question of creation.

Some people wish the Bible said, "In the beginning, God wasn't needed." To them, it's unacceptable to say, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1), or "Let Us make man in Our image" (v.26).

Instead, they believe that after an explosion of energy and matter, somehow an atmosphere conducive to life was formed. Then, single-celled organisms morphed into the exceedingly complex life forms we have today.

No need for God, they say, for it all happened naturally. On an earth and in an atmosphere not of anyone's making, forces with a blueprint designed by no one joined together to place the earth perfectly for life to thrive.

What we do with "In the beginning God" is at the center of it all. We must either believe His Word--and everything His Word claims--or we must believe that our meaningless lives resulted from an accidental, mindless chain reaction. What a stark contrast to "Let Us make man in Our image"!

IN the beginning. Was it God? Or was it chance? Our answer to this whodunit reveals whether or not we truly worship the awesome God of creation. __Dave Branon

``````````````````````FOR FURTHER STUDY`````````````````````

```````Why should we believe an ancient book? Does it conflict```````
```````with science? READ Can I Really Trust The Bible? on the```````
``````````````Web at`````````````

Only God could create the cosmos out of nothing.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Genesis 1:1,20-27***********

1 In the beginning God
created the heavens and the

20 Then God said, "Let the
waters abound with an
abundance of living
creatures, and let birds fly
above the earth across the
face of the firmament of the
heavens." 21 So God created
great sea creatures and every
living thing that moves, with
which the waters abounded,
according to their kind, and
every winged bird according
to its kind. And God saw that
it was good. 22 And God
blessed them, saying, "Be
fruitful and multiply, and fill
the waters in the seas, and let
birds multiply on the earth."

23 So the evening and the
morning were the fifth day.

24 Then God said, "Let the
earth bring forth the living
creatures, according to its
kind: cattle and creeping
thing and beast of the earth,
each according to its kind"
and it was so. 25 And God
made the beast of the earth
according to its kind, cattle
according to its kind, and
everything that creeps on the
earth according to its kind.
And God saw that it was good.

26 Then God said, "Let Us
make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness;
let them have dominion over
the fish of the sea, over the
birds of the air, and over the
cattle, over all the earth and
over every creeping thing
that creeps on the earth."

27 So God created man in His
own image; in the image of
God He created him; male
and female He created them.


The apostle Paul tells us, "Since the creation of the world [God's]
invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by
the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead"
(Rom. 1:20). Creation bears witness to the reality of a Creator.
__Dennis Fisher