Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Nov 08, 2008 5:06 pm

November 8


1 Corinthians 1:18-31

God has chosen the
foolish things of the
world to put to shame
the wise.
__1 Corinthians 1:27

One of my boyhood heroes was Davy Crockett, the "King of the Wild Frontier." I looked up to him, admiring his courage and exploits.

Years later, my brother gave me a book that traced the experiences of the real-life David Crockett. I was surprised by his humanness. The real Davy Crockett made mistakes and had serious personal problems. The book depicted him as both flawed and frail.

This was both disappointing and reassuring to me. It was disappointing because he was less than I had come to believe, but reassuring because that reality made Crockett more accessible to me-and even more of a hero.

In the bible we see that God consistently used people who were far less than perfect. That shouldn't surprise us. God is glorified by showing Himself strong through our weaknesses. It shows us that He desires to work through our lives not because we are perfect but because He is. And since He uses weak and foolish things (1 Cor. 1:27), it means you and I are prime candidates for His work.

The Lord isn't looking for superheroes. He uses those of us who are flawed and frail, so that He can show His strength and grace. He wants those with a willing and available heart. __Bill Crowder

```````````It's not in the flash of the style that you hone,````````````
``````````````Nor all the degrees you've compiled;````````````````
```````````The Savior is looking for servants who own``````````````
``````````The warm, willing heart of a child. __Gustafson````````````

In God's service, our greatest ability is our availability.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Corinthians 1:18-31********

18 For the message of the
cross is foolishness to those
who are perishing, but to us
who are being saved it is
the power of God. 19 For it
is written: "I will destroy
the wisdom of the wise, and
bring to nothing the
understanding of the

20 ... Has not God made
foolish the wisdom of this
world? 21 For since, in the
wisdom of God, the world
through wisdom did not
know God, it pleased God
through the foolishness of
the message preached to
save those who believe.

22 For Jews request a sign,
and Greeks seek after
wisdom; 23 but we preach
Christ crucified, to the Jews
a stumbling block and to the
Greeks foolishness,

24 but to those who are
called, both Jews and
Greeks, Christ the power of
God and the wisdom of
God. 25 Because the
foolishness of God is wiser
than men, and the weakness
of God is stronger than men.

26 For you see your calling,
brethren, that not many
wise according to the flesh,
not many mighty, not many
noble, are called. 27 But
God has chosen the foolish
things of the world to put to
shame the wise, and God
has chosen the weak things
of the world to put to shame
the things which are mighty
.... 30 But of Him you are
in Christ Jesus, who
became for us wisdom from
God--and righteousness
and sanctification and
redemption__ 31 that, as it is
written, "He who glories,
let him glory in the LORD."


God does not always work in ways that are expected. Paul says that
the God whose wisdom seeks out the weak to represent Him in this
world is the same God whose redemptive message is foolshness to
those outside the sphere of faith. __Bill Crowder
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