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Postby cimi » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:11 pm

October 19


Exodus 16:1-5

Do not worry about
tomorrow, for
tomorrow will worry
about its own things.
__Matthew 6:34

My wife and I like to rollerblade. Near the end of one of our favorite routes is a long hill. When we first started taking this route, I tried to encourage Sue by saying, "Are you ready for the hill?" just before pushing our way to the top. But one day she said, "Could you please not say that? You make it sound like a huge mountain, and that discourages me."

It was better for Sue to face the hill thinking only about one "step," or one rollerblade push, at a time instead of an entire steep hill to conquer.

Life can be like that,. If we peer too far ahead of today, the challenges may feel like a Mt. Everest climb. They can appear impossible to handle if we think we have to be "ready for the hill."

The Bible reminds us that today is all we need to tackle. We don't need to worry about tomorrow's tasks (Matt. 6:34). Imagine Moses thinking, "I've got to feed all these people for who knows how long. How can I get that much food?" God took care of that mountain with manna__but only enough for one day at a time (Ex. 16:4).

Every hill in life is too high if we think we must climb it all at once. But no hill is insurmountable if we take it one step forward at a time__with God's help. __Dave Branon

```````````````He whose heart is kind beyond all measure``````````
```````````````Gives unto each day what He deems best__``````````
`````````````````Lovingly, its part of pain and pleasure,````````````
```````````````Mingling toil with peace and rest. __Berg````````````

God is there to give us strength
for every hill we have to climb

*****************Today's Bible Reading __ Exodus 16:1-5**********

1 And they journeyed from
Elim, and all the
congregation of the children
of Israel came to the
Wilderness of Sin, which is
between Elim and Sinai, on
the fifteenth day the
second month after they
departed from the land of
Egypt. 2 Then the whole
congregation of the children
of Israel complained against
Moses and Aaron in the
wilderness. 3 And the
children of Israel said to
them, "Oh, that we had died
by the hand of the LORD in
the land of Egypt, when we
sat by the pots of meat and
when we ate bread to the
full! For you have brought
us out into this wilderness to
kill this whole assembly
with hunger."

4 Then the LORD said to
Moses, "Behold, I will rain
bread from heaven for you.
And the people shall go out
and gather a certain quota
every day, that I may test
them, whether they will
walk in My law or not.

5 And it shall be on the sixth
day that they shall prepare
what they bring in, and it
shall be twice as much as
they gather daily."


So much of what we worry about is beyond our control. A godly
approach to those situations that cause us to worry is to have faith
in God's provision while we faithfully meet our daily obligations.
A normal sense of concern is not displeasing to God. But a lack of
faith that leads to fretting is. Threatening circumstances can be an
opportunity to take time to bring them before the Lord in prayer.
God's peace can replace our worry (Phil. 4:6-7). __Dennis Fisher
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Posts: 2622
Location: Washington

Postby Psittac » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:33 pm

That was a good bit of reading, you offered some valuable insight and things to think about. Thank you for sharing
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