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Postby cimi » Thu Sep 18, 2008 4:32 pm

September 18


Hebrews 13:1-6

Do not forget to
entertain strangers, for
by so doing some have
unwittingly entertained
__Hebrews 13:2

In 2004, Casey Fenton co-founded a nonprofit service that helps travelers find a "friendlier alternative" to unfriendly hotels. They find home-owners who are willing to offer their spare beds and couches to others.
The group boasts almost a quarter of a million friendships that have been formed from their service. "The more we network," said Fenton, "the better chance we have of this world being a better place."

That service sounds a lot like biblical hospitality. In the final pages of his letter to the Hebrews, the writer instructed believers to practice their faith in Jesus Christ through hospitality (13:2). That was defined by the early Christ-followers as acts of generosity toward strangers.

In the first century, hospitality often included housing a guest. This was
hardest to do during a time of persecution. These believers would not know whether the person was a spy or a fellow believer being pursued. But by entertaining strangers, the writer said, they could indeed be inviting a blessing into their homes.

As God's people, we are called to be hospitable to others as part of our gratitude for the salvation we have received from God. __Marvin Williams

````````````````````Lord, grant me a loving heart,````````````````
``````````````````````A will to give and share,```````````````````
```````````````````A whispered prayer upon my lips```````````````
```````````````````To show I really care. __Brandt```````````````

People with a heart for God have a heart for people.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Hebrews 13:1-6***********

1 Let brotherly love
continue. 2 Do not forget to
entertain strangers, for by
so doing some have
unwittingly entertained
angels. 3 Remember the
prisoners as if chained with
them__those who are
mistreated__since you
yourselves are in the body

4 Marriage is honorable
among all, and the bed
undefiled: but fornicators
and adulterers God will

5 Let your conduct be
without covetousness: be
content with such things as
you have. For He Himself
has said, "I will never leave
you nor forsake you." 6 So
we may boldly say: "The
LORD is my helper: I will
not fear. What can man do
to me?"


Many Bible scholars believer Hebrews 13:2 refers to Abraham's
experience in Genesis 18:33. Their contention is that two of the
three "men" described here were angels. (The third figure is the
Lord God Himself.) Though one is justified in seeing lessons here
about hospitality, the angels certainly did not visit Abraham for
the purpose of teaching him this. Why did the Angel of the Lord
approach Abraham in this manner? Possibly He meant it as a test for
both Abraham and the Sodomites. The moral character of Abraham
and of the men of Sodom is indicated by their different treatment
of strangers. Abraham's polite hospitality contrasted greatly with the
Sodomites' outbursts of brutality and perversion (Gen. 18-19.
__Dennis Fisher
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