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Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:32 pm

October 5


Romans 10:1-13

whoever calls on the
name of the LORD shall
be saved.
__Romans 10:13

People have many different reasons for rejecting the gospel. A common one is to blame Christians for something they did or did not do. These critics say, "I know a Christian who treated me poorly." Or, "I went to church, and no one talked to me."

Indeed, Christians aren't perfect, and many can be bad examples. But blaming others doesn't remove one's accountability to God.

The truth of the gospel does not depend on the way others live out their faith. Salvation is about Jesus alone. Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Some people may use Christians as an excuse to reject the gospel. But they certailnly can't point a finger of blame at Jesus. He is sinless and perfect in every way. Pilate said of Him, "I have found no fault in this Man" (Luke 23:14). And Jesus did what no one else could do--He suffered death on a cross to provide salvation for all who believe in Him. That makes it tough for someone to say, "I'm not going to become a Christian because I don't like what Jesus did."

Don't get sidetracked by looking at the faults of others. Look to Jesus. He alone is the way to heaven. __Dave Branon

~~~~~~~~~~~He is the Way, the Truth, the Life__~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~That One whose name is Jesus;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~There is no other name on earth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~That has the power to save us. __Sper~~~~~~~~~~~~

There is no excuse for saying "No" to Christ.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Romans 10:1-13**********

1 Brethren, my heart's
desire and prayer to God
for Israel is that they may
be saved. 2 For I bear them
witness that they have a
zeal for God, but not
according to knowledge.

3 For they being ignorant of
God's righteousness, and
seeking to establish their
own righteousness, have
not submitted to the
righteousness of God. 4 For
Christ is the end of the law
for righteousness to
everyone who believes.

5 For Moses writes about
the righteousness which is
of the law, "The man who
does those things shall live
by them." 6 But the
righteousness of faith
speaks in this way, "Do not
say in your heart, 'Who will
ascend into heaven?' " (that
is, to bring Christ down
from above) 7 or, "'Who
will descend into the
abyss?'" (that is, to bring
Christ up from the dead).

8 But what does it say?
"The word is near you, in
your mouth and in your
heart"...: 9 that if you
confess with your mouth
the Lord Jesus and believe
in your heart that God has
raised Him from the dead,
you will be saved. 10 For
with the heart one believes
unto righteousness, and
with the mouth confession
is made unto salvation.

11 For the Scripture says,
"Whoever believes on Him
will not be put to shame."

12 For there is no distinctin
between Jew and Greek, for
the same Lord over all is
rich to all who call upon
Him. 13 For "whoever calls
on the name of the LORD
shall be saved."


The book of Romans contains Paul's extended treatise on the offer
of God's salvation to a lost world. In Romans, he exposes our guilt,
shows us God's grace, and points to Jesus' gift of eternal life! __ WEC
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