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OUR DAILY BREAD : SING! ( October 1sts )

Postby cimi » Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:35 pm

October 1


1 Chron. 16:23-27

Sing psalms to Him;
talk of all His wondrous

Our home in Boise is next to a park where I walk most mornings. An elderly woman walks there at the same time. She walks clockwise and I walk counter-clockwise, which means that we meet twice each lap.

She has the most lovely, crinkly eyes and wrinkled face that wrinkles even more when she smiles. When she smiles, her whole face smiles!

She has Alzheimer's.

The first time we meet she asks, "Have I sung my song?" I say, "No, ma'am." And she sings a little song about the sun: "Good morning, Mr. Sunshine..." Then she smiles, raises her hands in a kind of blessing, and moves on.

So we go our separate ways__180 degrees around the circle--untill we meet again. She asks, "Have I sung my song?" I say, "Sing it again!" And she does. I can't get her delightful song out of my mind.

She has become a parable of the kind of person I want to be--making my way through the world, singing and making melody in my heart, singing of the Sun of Righteousness who has risen with healing in His wings (Mal. 4:2), leaving behind a lingering memory of His love.

May His song be on your heart and lips this day. And may many hear and put their trust in the Lord. __ David Roper

~~~~~~~~~~~~~There's within my heart a melody,~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesus whispers sweet and low,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~"Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still,"~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~In all of life's ebb and flow. __ Bridgers~~~~~~~~~~

A song in your heart
puts a smile on your face.

************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Chronicles 16:23-27*********

23 Sing to the LORD, all the
earth; proclaim the good
news of His salvation from
day to day. 24 Declare His
glory among the nations,
His wonders among all

25 For the LORD is great
and greatly to be praised;
He is also to be feared
above all gods. 26 For all the
gods of the peoples are
idols, but the LORD made
the heavens. 27 Honor and
majesty are before Him;
strength and gladness are in
His place.


Today's Bible reading records a part of a song of praise written by
King David, (The complete song extends from 1 Chronicles 16:8-
36.) The reason for his praise? The ark of the covenant, which
represented God's presence among His people, had been brought to
Jerusalem, establishing the city as the center of Israel's life. In the
book of Psalms the content of this song appears several times, with
minor variations--Psalms 96, 105, and 106. __ WEC
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