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Postby cimi » Sat Sep 08, 2007 4:21 pm

September 8


Psalm 15

He who does these
things shall never be
moved. __Psalm 15:5

Bruce Weinstein is known as "The Ethics Guy." His books and seminars challenge people to make choices based on principle rather than convenience or self-interest. In his business workshops, he often asks the participants, "Why should we be ethical?" He says that most responses center on the benefits of honesty and morality--avoiding punishment and having a clear conscience. While acknowledging that there are long-term benefits, Weinstein emphasizes doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do.

Psalm 15 gives a vivid picture of the person whose conduct grows out of fellowship with the living God. The question "LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle?" (v.1) is answered with examples from everyday living: "He who walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks the truth in his heart" (v.2). It goes on to describe honest relationships with neighbors and friends (vv.3-4), along with integrity in business and financial matters (v.5). The psalm ends with the words, "He who does these things shall never be moved" (v.5)/

Ethical living is more than a concept discussed in seminars. It's a powerful means of demonstrating the presence of Christ in our lives. Doing what is right is always the right thing to do. __David McCasland

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lord, help me put away deceit~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And live a life that's true__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And may there be integrity~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In all I say and do. __sper~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There is no legacy as rich as integrity.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 15****************

1 LORD, who may abide in
Your tabernacle? Who may
dwell in Your holy hill?

2 He who walks uprightly,
and works righteousness,
and speaks the truth in his
heart; 3 he who does not
backbite with his tongue,
nor does evil to his
neighbor, nor does he take
up a reproach against his
friend; 4 in whose eyes a
vile person is despised, but
he honors those who fear
the LORD; he who swears to
his own hurt and does not
change; 5 he who does not
put out his money at usury,
nor does he take a bribe
against the innocent.


The tabernacle (Ps. 15:1) was instituted in Exodus 25--40. The word
tabernacle means "dwelling-place" and was representative to the
people of Israel of the presence of God among them. The tabernacle
was more than a religious symbol, however. It was the center of
life for the people, both literally and metaphorically. When the
tabernacle was set up, the tribes of Israel encamped around it in
prescribed areas__a physical expressin that thte invisible God was
to be at the center of their national, family, and personal life. __WEC
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