awww bailey sis
God IS Love. He ALWAYS loves us including the times when we do things we later regret and hurt over even when we blame Him for things that go wrong in our lives (been there, done that)
He doesn't STOP loving, He LOVES more. See, regardless of what we as miserable lil humans running around this earth do.... God LOVES ALL. He desires for us to be with Him forever! He died for us as reconciliation for all our sins. Every single person. Mine; yours; everyone else you may meet. Jesus took on all of it.
I too had an abortion many many years ago. I was young and stupid (now i am just old and stupid
) Yet God gives me understanding of what works for me. HE IS! Bailey sis, things change in an instant. None of us know exactly what tomorrow will bring.
But please if nothing else, take comfort in knowing in ur heart that Jesus KNEW how our lives would be, He KNOWS EVERYTHING and yet He still LOVES. He CHOSE to go to the cross out of that Love. Run to Him. Seek His Peace and forgiveness, get healing. God is the ultimate healer sis. Oh and let yourself off the hook too sis.
I learned not accepting God's forgiveness (weird as that may sound) was only holding me back from Him. Ok lemme try and explain that a lil. I would hold unto guilt. Feeling like i should be punished cuz i was wrong. Knowing that there should be a price to pay. Well, Jesus already PAID that price. Jesus has allready forgiven me, it was gone. Holding onto guilt is so NOT what Jesus is about. He dries ALL our tears. We all make mistakes, No ONE is perfect; not one of us here. Grab onto the healing that God brings sis.
luv u bailey, if u ever wanna talk pm me sis.