Christianity Oasis Forum

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Thought for the Day - March 16

Postby Sylvia » Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:11 am

Jesus was inside the boat, sleeping with his head on a
pillow. The followers went to him and woke him. They said,
"Teacher, do you care about us? We will drown!"

-- Mark 4:38 (ERV)

I am so thankful about the honest portrayal of Jesus' disciples. I can
see myself in them and know that God uses people like me. Maybe you're
not like most of us who sometimes panic when we feel overwhelmed.
Fortunately for us, the early followers of Jesus did have bouts with
panic and fear just like we do. In their fear, they don't pretend to
have everything under control. They don't puff out their chest with
false bravado and act like they can handle the situation. Even though
their honesty leads to a rebuke, it also leads to a miracle! Why?
Because they are willing to go honestly to their Savior with their
fears. They have much to learn ... and he will teach them. They also
have much to lose ... and he will protect them. What are you holding
back in your conversation with the Savior? What has you panicked,
afraid, or anxious that you have not fully shared with the Lord? Storms
come and go, but only the Lord stands the test of time. Be real about
your fears and anxieties and let him care for you. Yes, he will
challenge you to greater faith. But that's the point isn't it? That in
our weakness he calls us to himself and offers us grace.
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