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Your testimony

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:48 pm
by flutemusic67
Have you overcome the abuse in your past? Would you be willing to share your story with others to help them overcome their past abuse? If so, please let me know by answering here in the forum.

I'd like to invite you to Life After Abuse on Monday evenings 8:00 pm est. We'd like one person per week to give their story.

So, how about it? You may help never know where God places you in life, with who, and why. You may be the one God uses to help another soul.

Thank you and God bless everyone!


PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 11:54 am
by flutemusic67
alissalynne wrote:I would love to share my story for though the beginning was pain - I am no longer in that bondage of pain. Just let me know where to go and when and I shall be there! God has been too good to me to be silent! AMEN!

Oh, God bless you sis! It's awesome to see you acknowledge God's goodness despite your sorrows. Praise Him in the storms! Just like the song says.

Life After Abuse meets on Monday's at 8:00 pm est. It would be best if you could write it beforehand, then copy and past two or three sentences at a time. Think you can keep it to 3-4 pages? We usually have discussion and are doing the Christian Counseling program as well.

Thank you so much! Please let me know if you will be there this Monday or a different Monday.
