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physical versus spiritual

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:58 pm
by Sylvia
Since the first part of October I have had 3 MRI's and a spinal tap. Many doctors appointments. My good days of being able to walk are getting fewer and fewer. Today I was told I do have MS. But inside I am so happy. This is why I am putting this in Real Solutions instead of another forum. My favorite song is Casting Crowns "Do you want to be free?"
"lift your chains, I hold the key, the power of heaven and earth belong to me". (see my cool space) I have been sober for 6 months. Why did it work now and not the million times I tried before? I wanted something more then booze. I wanted God to use me for His will not mine. My will has not worked all that great. But since that decision 6 months ago God keeps surprising me with new things. New blessings. New ways of serving Him. I belong to the King. He holds the key to your chains that wrap around your life. What is more important to you? I had to finally ask myself that. Where is true happiness? Having Christ as center of your life. that's where true happiness exists. I had to let go and let God.
When the doctor told me today, I wasn't upset. My Heavenly Father has a hold of my hand. So what I walk funny? Psalms 37:23&24 states "The steps of a man are established by the Lord. And He delights in his way.
WHEN he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; Because the Lord is the One who holds his hand."
Amen and thank you Jesus *JITW*