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PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 10:19 pm
by cybil1
Memory is a strange thing. I do not remember alot of my childhood and younger years but lately it has been resurfacing. It is scary and painful.I pushed my emotions so deep inside that it seems at times that I have been living in somone el'se's body.
But, in the past two months I have been experiencing emotions that I never knew I had. They are emotions of anger and rage and it is scary. I pray I will be protected by God but I know I need to fellowship with other christians and receive counseling and prayer.

I have always had to consider the feelings of others and not my own. I have always had to hide my identity and pretend I was someone else.

What's scary is at this late stage of my life I am just finding out whoI am.I pray for healing and pray for God's protection and guidance.

Re: Memory

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:02 pm
by Mackenaw
Hello Cybil1 :)

God bless you this day, and welcome to Christianity Oasis.

I am glad The Lord led you here, and that you are seeking to grow in your relationship with The Lord and seeking His counsel.

There is a 14 Day Study on this site -- a counseling study -- that has helped hundreds of people. The 14 Day Counseling study is Holy Spirit inspired and leans heavily on The Word of God. Here is the link:

I encourage you to read the study, and apply the Truth and godly principles shared in the study, directly to your life. In doing so, It will help you in many ways: Your relationship with The Lord will grow, and you'll find healing through God and His Word.

Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus on your behalf. May God's blessed will be done.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack