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worshipping women

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:45 pm
by bretsky12
hi well a while back i discovered that i worship women. since a very young age. it has held me back from so many blessings in Christ. i dont know how to stop it.

Re: worshipping women

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:57 pm
by vahn
Welcome aboard brother

You're in the right place ... there are MANY of us that do the same thing ... only few have the same courage to come out and say it out in the open .... You are WELL ON YOUR WAY of DOING something about it ... in fact , you allready did !

Something that caught my attention in the post , which , may hold the key is ,
since a very young age

It reminded me of something that Paul said , though I can't recall it word for word , but , he said , to affect , " When I was younger , I did things as youngsters did " ...
Well , in my case (and I am taking a chance saying , maybe yours as well) I found it , at first , a bit "difficult" to shake off the "youngish" habit , or behaviour , and when I wasn't as young anymore , I knew I had a "situation" in my hand that needed to be dealt with soon , for by then it started causing more problems than they were worth keeping .

First thing I did -as a step toward recovery - was to admit my powerlessness over it , hence the realization that I needed a Power , much Greater than me AND even Greater than the idols of worship , next , I commenced to find out why I had those notions -soul searching if you may -

Brother , there will be others comming along to give you more insight on the subject , but as of for now , I guarantee you , if you keep doing what you just did ,- as in coming here via seeking solution - One day at a time we'll have this thing in the bag in no time .

Luv ya
In Christ , our Lord

Re: worshipping women

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:15 pm
by bretsky12
yes it was a very strange thing. most young boys dont get interested in girls until twelve or thirteen. i watched all the james bond movies with my family. wild wild west. man from uncle. as far as the world today, those shows and movies were quite tame. but they contained no lack of women. i have always adored women, and my fantasy of them is where i seek comfort, and excitement and whatever else. it is wrong and i dont know how to stop it, and i am very concerned for my salvation. i want to worship Jesus, and seek His kingdom, but i cant seem to keep my eyes and my mind off of women. sometimes i wonder if i have been given over to this sin. if so, i am in deeper trouble than i can even realize. anyway thats my world. among alot of other problems i am facing. it is a severe battle, and i am really lacking as a warrior.

Re: worshipping women

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:12 pm
by vahn
Hello again brother

You know , I didn't even realize it , but I've been sitting in front of my monitor for almost twenty minutes trying to come up with a fairly reasonable response ... then , it dawned on me , a sort of like a V8 moment thing ... I've been doing the exact same thing with this response as it was the solution for , or rather the cause of the problem we have been dealing with - doing it our way - .

Here it is , good news , more good news , peppered with some not so good news .

I can only speak of my own experience and it may , or may not apply to you (but somehow I feel it will) .
See , I am an artist , and in the course of my artistic endeavors I come across a lot of female nudity . So far absolutely nothing wrong there right ? ... after all , a female body is a beatiful thing to admire . But .... I had to entirely give up on my artwork for the longest time because it started to cause more and more problems with the people around me ... mostly women , I may add .
I started to notice it was taking me longer and longer to get my sketch pad ... then the pencil ... you got the drift right ? ... well it didn't take too long that I started fearing I may remain cross-eyed for the rest of my life (by the way , I'm trying to be as discrete with my words as I possibly can , for you see ... I am spending the rest of my life with the most beautiful woman I had ever encountered , and she is my self-appointed proofreader !!! *Whistle* )

Victory over it ! ... It does exist .

Addiction - Obsession ... they go hand in hand ... when I wasn't looking (addictively) I was thinking about looking , and when there wasn't any"thing" to look at I made one up (fantasize) , I was obsessed with it . The very same way I was living with my drugs and alcohol .

Good news .. I CAN and HAVE victor over my addiction .... Problem : I failed to recognize my obsession , and on again on the roller-coaster .

In short ... the reason we have such a great difficulty winning over such matters , is the fact that we want to do it OUR way ... wich is , the easier-softer way .

How about if we were to try to pray for the OBSESSION to be removed .

It wasn't until I did that I could never "safely" to even go past the magazine rack .

Today , my computer , nor Photoshop have either password OR any "hidden" files , oh yes , Adobe Bridge is half full of "images" ... for artistic work ONLY ... and the best part ? .. My proof-reader admires some of the work and we are planning on rebuilding my studio and eventually and hopefully I get my Gallery back . (please don't get me wrong , nudity is only a fraction of the images I use for my work and it usually have to do with the winged kind ;) )

In Christ , our Lord