Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:33 am
im a very very sweet and caring person. i ALWAYS see a persons view from their side rather then mines. I love helping people because it makes me feel good, but it comes to a point that im helping everyone and no one is helping me. I actually dont mind no one helping me because i dont like discussing my personal issues with no one. I give with out expecting.Sometimes i let things go and im so nice but when someone crosses the line i get SOOOO ANGRY that it comes to the point that i cant control my self. Its very scary ill try to break and throw things hit a person physically and try to destroy them at times emotionally. I HATEEEEE when i get to that point because i know thats not the person iam but when i get to that point theres no stoping myself. Its like a volcano erupting and when everyting is over i second guess myself because i dont like that image of me. People take advantage of me and i dont think its fair.Im the person who is ALWAYS smiling...i cry when no one is around because i dont like anyone pitting me. People always come to me for advice but i have no one to talk to but god.I usually write and i feel better but i feel comfortable here so thats why im discussing this issue. I live in a very dysfunctional family and its very hard for me to stay positive because once i step in my house everything just turns negative. i pray to god but sometimesi feel like im talking to myself and his not listening. I dont know what to do