To the enemy
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:51 am
"You cannot steal me. I will not let you steal me or any part of me. You may have acted against me. You may hve hurt my body. But my soul, my mind and my attitudes are my own and you may not have them. They are mine and I will keep them. I will have the right to my own pleasure and my own decisions. You will not affect the rest of my life. If I let you affect the rest of my life, then I am vailidating what you did in a weird, misguided way. I am giving you more power than the power you had when you did what you did. And I refuse to do that. I am going to have what I would have had, and I am going to enjoy what I would have enjoyed. I will live the life I would have lived and you will not stop me. By doing this and being this then I have shrunk your importance. You are a pitiful human being and you are trying to exist by causing pain. Well, I will not give you that thing that you want. You want to exist and you want to have power and you want to cause lasting pain. And I will purposely not give you what you want. You have no power over me and I will not let the pain last. And I will not give you a place of importance in any part of my life. And anytime that you come to mind, I will make a positive action. I can do all things through Christ and he does NOT want this evil to prevail. I will NOT give glory to the enemy."