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My Journey/Journal

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:21 am
by God_Loves_All
Hi there all. I really don't know what to say on here, except by saying that I'm looking for any *help* , tips & encouragement that I can get during the boot up my ass again to see what I'm doing to continue to lose the weight that I started to lose from a few yrs back.

Anyway I'll start by saying that a few yrs back I weighed 125 kgs (275.6 lbs) & probably more (just can't remember before that) because of mostly for 10 yrs of my life I sat around not working, eating what I wanted when I wanted. I decided within my self a couple of yrs ago now, that I was getting sick of always having sore joints, especially my knees.

Since I work at a supermarket stacking shelves (mainly fizzy drinks) & because of the weight I have support gear for both my ankles & knees, but since I started losing the weight they don't get so bad these days. When I made the decision to start losing the weight & with help from a couple from my church I managed to get my weight down between 105 kgs (231.5 lbs) - 110 kgs (242.5 lbs).

The problem I'm having at the present is that my weight isn't going past 109 kgs (240.3 lbs) & as of today my weight was 110.7 kgs (244 lbs). I've been seeing a dietician within the last 6 weeks now & they haven't been too impressed with the weight not going now & with my portions, especially within this last week with all the easter chocolate I have had.

I know that within myself & with God's help, strength & love that I can do better than what I have & maybe it has been the added pressure of when I have seem them for the last 6 weeks straight. It also hasn't helped that while I'm seeing them & afterwards I feel miserable to the point of not wanting to eat.

So please tell me what you think, if you want me to share my food intake or just whatever, I'm just seeking *help* from other individuals

Re: My Journey/Journal

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:08 am
by Deepsi
Hey, B&B! *hug* Welcome to Oasis and Our Body, His Temple!

Oh, the battle with weight and eating--it's a vicious cycle, and it looks like a cycle you are all-too-familiar with ... BUT at least you realize how you are sabotaging yourself (those holidays, like easter and christmas, sure can getcha'! Isn't it funny how we celebrate holidays by overeating?). What has your nutritionist said to you? Have they given you a guideline to go by (ie: eat this, not that)?

As I'm sure you have probably already seen, we have several members here that journal. It's simple: just write down what you eat, how much you had of it, and your current mood. If you've never food journaled before, man, let me tell ya! It's very eye-opening, and I hope it's a useful tool for you as you begin to conquer your eating habits!

Also, if you are available in the chat ... oh wow, I don't know the time difference! Ahhh ... someone help me out here! *Doh* But anyway, we have a wonderful chat support group where we talk about our victories, struggles, and more importantly, how to integrate the Lord in our eating habits!

Welcome, again! Let the journey begin!

Also, nutritionist love this: if you do journal here, print it out before you visit with them! They love to see your progress and that you are making an effort!

Re: My Journey/Journal

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:44 am
by kimby
Hi BB and Deepsi....
If I have done my conversions right....
The Our Body...His Temple programme is on Tuesday at 8 PM EST which would be for you BB, Wednesday, 12:00 PM NZST.
Hope that helps!

Re: My Journey/Journal

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:17 am
by God_Loves_All
Deepsi wrote:Hey, B&B! *hug* Welcome to Oasis and Our Body, His Temple!

Oh, the battle with weight and eating--it's a vicious cycle, and it looks like a cycle you are all-too-familiar with ... BUT at least you realize how you are sabotaging yourself (those holidays, like easter and christmas, sure can getcha'! Isn't it funny how we celebrate holidays by overeating?). What has your nutritionist said to you? Have they given you a guideline to go by (ie: eat this, not that)?

As I'm sure you have probably already seen, we have several members here that journal. It's simple: just write down what you eat, how much you had of it, and your current mood. If you've never food journaled before, man, let me tell ya! It's very eye-opening, and I hope it's a useful tool for you as you begin to conquer your eating habits!

Also, if you are available in the chat ... oh wow, I don't know the time difference! Ahhh ... someone help me out here! *Doh* But anyway, we have a wonderful chat support group where we talk about our victories, struggles, and more importantly, how to integrate the Lord in our eating habits!

Welcome, again! Let the journey begin!

Also, nutritionist love this: if you do journal here, print it out before you visit with them! They love to see your progress and that you are making an effort!

yes, the dietician has do's & do not's when it comes to the food side of things. I have done a done food journals before

Re: My Journey/Journal

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 6:51 pm
by God_Loves_All
Breakfast: Weetbix (2), 1/2 cup bran & 150g yoghurt & a banana or 1/2 cup cornflakes/ricies, 1/2 cup bran & 150 g yoghurt & a banana or 2 pieces of toast, 150g yoghurt, banana

Lunch: 2 sandwiches which contain luncheon & cheese, cucumber/tomato, cheese

Afternoon: can range between 2 min noodles, fruit, sandwiches

Dinner: peas, corn, potatoes, pumpkin, kumara, parnsip (what veges, but mainly potatoes, peas & corn)

Supper: 1/2 biscuit, sandwiches

Re: My Journey/Journal

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:51 am
by Daisy50
beauty! so glad to see you're posting! i'm keeping you in prayer..and looking forward to seeing you again on Tuesday at our next "Our Body His Temple" program.

i have found youtube an excellent source for finding exercise videos. and also Google for recipe searches.

losing weight is hard...maintaining it is hard as well. i have to keep reminding myself, "if it's not on my program, i can't have it". that's been the toughest block for me, because i spent so many years eating the "wrong" thing...but i do notice when i eat better, my attitude about life in general is better, i sleep better, am more calm, and i am more focused on the tasks for the day.

it is a daily process. i am gaining knowledge by keeping myself on the right track. i know as i age, this added weight will be an issue, and will be harder to lose.

i've chosen yogurt over sweets...crunchy vegetables over crisps(or potato chips, as well call them here in the States). i eat baked meats, rather than fried...and i try to have at least 2 different servings of vegetables or a salad with my lunch and dinner every night.

i don't always succeed.

this weekend was full of parties, and i went off my program and ate foods that i hadn't had in weeks...but, i didn't scold myself, because i ate smaller portions.

i think that's where we need to set our mind....portion control over EVERYTHING we eat is a good starting point. if we can learn how to control HOW MUCH we eat, and stop focusing on WHAT we eat-i think we'll finally stop, figuratively speaking, beating ourselves up.

take this all with baby steps. one day at a time. eat smaller portions, but don't forget to include drinking water during the day.

we're with you on this journey, beauty. i pray the Lord keeps you in His Care as you take Him along this journey with you.

it will become easier. *hug*

God Bless you my friend,