Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:28 pm
I am struggling with sexual sin. I have prayed for many years to be delivered from this struggle and that the Lord would fight the battle for me. Days would come where I am strong enough spiritually to say no and I am able to resist the impulses, but then days would come when I am not able to resist and I fall into sexual sin brought on by unclean thoughts. When I fall, I go to the Lord in prayer, but often feel like I am not truly repenting of the sin because I keep falling time and time again into the same sin. There's no change. Therefore, I find it hard to forgive myself and move on. I even sometimes doubt my salvation. I feel trapped spiritually and I am trying to break free. I know I can't do it on my own, but appearantly I must be trying to fight the battle on my own instead of the Lord fighting for me. I feel unfaithful, worthless and rebellious against God.