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Pine wanted to know how i got healed from dyslexia

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:10 pm
by ciny
The school i went to as a child told my parents i was beyond help and they wanted to put me in special Education classes my parents faught it they told my Mother i was autistic i didnt play with the other children i had to repeat kindergarden.
i was more in a shell my second year of kindergarden than the first i think that is when the school told my mom that i needed to go in the specila ed classes like i said they faught it i struggled in the first half of the school year stayed away from the pther kids was affraid of my teacher even my own shadow.
I was wrighting my name backwards i had dyslexia wrote my name bacdkwards and i was always getting real bad colds and ear infections so i had trouble hearing.
And i was rembering the abuse the sexual abuse and the phsycial abuse
i belve that is what caused the dyslexiaall the trauma i endured your mind gets filled up with so much junk that it starts to short and go hay wire like
when you have to many things pluged into a out let and sooner or later the fuse blows.
This is how i got healed from the dyslexia the first part of thehealing first God told me not to eat anything that day it was on a Sunday i was 6 years old we went to church Their was a special speaker their his name was Paster Joe he called me up to do a song with him his banner over me his love he told the people i had a call on my i was going to blow preacher out of the water with my testimony,
We went home adn my mom tryed to get me to eeat lunch and dinner i said no God told me not to eat today.
we went back to church that night affter service my mom told Paster Joe i refused to eat all day he said yes she fasting he prayed for me to be healed from dyslexia he said trauma kind.
i went back to school and noticed my name was going the right way again
i was like ha my name looks diffrent.i did better in school and passed to the first grade.
Still had problems in school ended up in special ed in fourth grade they worked with me helped me to read and do math,
this is how i got the rest of my healing from the dyslexia i have to go back like eight years ago when i quit drinking and useing drugs i started going to a bible collage i keep getting good grades.As and Bs God told me he was going to help me and he has and still is,when i started looking at the past abuse issues and asking God to help me get rid of the anger hatred and resent ment and started praying for those that hurt me is when the rest of the healing started to take place i found this sight and another sight and stated posting my life story and people praying and helping others is whear the rest of my healing came in.
God is awsome look what God has done he healed my baody he healed my Mind.
and we fooled the school system yes we did yes we did *WooHoo*

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:30 pm
by Dora
Wow! That is so cool ciny. :)

I smiled all the way through reading that.

God is so good to us.

You are such a blessing.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:36 pm
by Mackenaw

Thank You Jesus!!! Praise God!!! Hallelujah!!!

Awwwwwww, God bless and keep you, Ciny. *hug*
