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The Battle

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:19 pm
by Guest
Father, Each one of us are going through some type of battle. Some of them can be very difficult. Lord we need your help day to day when fighting these battles. Please guide us and keep us in your loveing hands. Thank You. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.

The last six days have been going fairly well. I have not had any temptation to look at the sites I have to stay away from. The internet is not the only place though that gives me trouble. Sometimes while watching t.v. a pretty girl might be on wareing close to nothing and I look were I should not. Lust, I guesse you would call it, kicks in. I also find that when I go out into public and I see a pretty girl I find myself looking. Tipical male I supose. Other then that I am doing well.

Luv in Christ